Letter 22

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september 24, 1996

Dear Dione,

I've caught wind that a certain observant Hufflepuff has detected my lingering gazes in Charms.

I've been awaiting the moment you'd recognize and finally acknowledge my presence. Your allure and complexity have captured my interest.

Although you're a Hufflepuff, there's a spirited quality to you that stands out from the rest of your house. I am under the impression that despite your sweet exterior and kind demeanor, there is some fire lurking just below the surface. I simply cannot contain my curiosity any longer.

In contrast to my fellow Slytherins, I've always been drawn to those beyond our own ranks. I'd be delighted if you'd grant me the chance to reveal more about myself and explain my inclinations.

Would you do me the honor of sharing lunch today?

Theodore Nott

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