Letter 4

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Dear Draco,

I hope this letter finds you well. Professor Sprout informed me about the tutoring arrangement, and I wanted to reach out to you first. I'm delighted to assist you in Herbology, and I look forward to your guidance in Potions.

I've enclosed my class schedule, so please let me know what time suits you the best.

I understand that this situation may not be ideal, but I'm determined to make it work for the sake of appeasing the professors and for raising my marks. I have heard that you are one of the top students in Potions so I'm excited to be able to learn from you.

As for the location, the Hufflepuff Common is of course welcome to you, we actually have these really nice study nooks that I think would make a perfect spot.

If you would prefer the library or any other place, I really do not mind. The most important thing is that we both feel comfortable during our sessions, since we don't know how long we will be expected to keep them up.

I want you to know that I approach this unexpected situation with sincerity and a willingness to help each other succeed. Let's just try to make the best of it, you know.

Plus, I do really need your help, as my aunt will have my head if I fail Potions.

Looking forward to our first meeting,

Dione Prewett 

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