Letter 3

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Once again, the insufferable professors at this pitiful excuse for a school have taken it upon themselves to meddle in my affairs.

It appears that Snape, in his misguided attempt to offer some fatherly guidance, has proposed a most outrageous idea.

They want me to be tutored by a Hufflepuff. Yes Mother, all the money and time that you have spent securing the best and most qualified tutors and these oafs think I need the assistance from some lowly Hufflepuff.

Can you fathom the sheer absurdity of it? And to add insult to injury, it's that wretched little orphan from the Weasley clan.

Mother, I implore you to intervene and put an end to this travesty. My marks have hardly slipped and as you know, I have a lot of my mind this term. I simply do not have the extra time for this stupid little project from these stupid, old and boring professors. I assure you, I will get back on track without resorting to forcible association with such deplorable wizarding folk.

Our family name is of utmost importance, and I cannot allow it to be tainted by entertaining this utter nonsense, surely you can understand the importance of that fact.

Please for the sake of our reputation and my sanity, do something to remedy this situation.

Awaiting your swift action,

Draco Malfoy 

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