Letter 12

7 0 0

September 12, 1996

Dear Aunty,

I hope you're doing well. I know I can always talk to you, and I wanted to share how I'm feeling at the start of this semester. It's a bit overwhelming, but I'm determined to start strong. My marks in Potions are falling behind, and I'll be starting tutoring with another student to improve.

I promise I'll work hard to raise my grade, so please don't be upset with me. Initially, I was supposed to start with a different tutor, but it didn't work out as planned. I tried my best to make a good impression, but I guess it didn't go well. It's okay; I understand that you can't make everyone like you, but it's frustrating when people are rude without reason. I was hoping the arrangement would help take my mind off the things that are distracting me from my studies in the first place but I will have to find something else.

The Hufflepuff common room is so different now without Cedric, I can't help but to feel sad sitting there while reading or watching other people laugh and move on. I try to keep to myself most of the time because I don't wish to ruin anyone else's mood. I miss having a study partner and someone to always walk to class with. Obviously, everyone is kind but it just isn't the same.

On a brighter note, I'm planning to spend some girl time with Ginny. It will be nice to have some company and not be a hermit. Thank you for always checking on me, Aunty. Your love and support mean the world to me.

With love,
Dione Prewett

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