Letter 29

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Dear Georgie,

I find myself to be in a bit of a dilemma, and who better to talk to than one of my favorite gingers and cousins?

You know, kindness is one of my natural strengths, but I also not one to be easily swayed. Lately though, I've been sensing manipulation creeping in- perhaps a Slytherin influence?

It's my first time dealing with this, and I'm all sorts of confused.

Do friends really insult and purposefully hurt each other like this?

And is it normal to be drawn to said friend in a more-than-friends way?

I can practically hear you laughing at my words, but I'm being serious, help me!

Am I mad?

I am almost certain it isn't one sided. I even joked that I'm utterly irresistible to someone who has never felt the warmth of a Hufflepuff. And he only hexed me half-heartedly, that's a good sign right?

But that isn't the only problem, while I am here pining over someone who most likely who never look my way, I have unknowingly caught the attention of one of his friends.

One of his very persistent and unable to take a hint friends. And it seems like some days he is pushing me towards him and other days where it seems like he is punishing me for garnering attention for someone else.

Honestly, as I write this letter I sound massively confused and like a childish schoolgirl but George I am completely lost.

Maybe I'll just wallow in my common room for the rest of the term.

Much love,


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