Letter 7

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Mrs. Malfoy,

I trust this letter reaches you. I must address your concerns with the utmost candor and clarity.

Your son is facing significant challenges in several classes, and I remind you that the term has barely started. His attendance, even in my class, is sporadic, and when he does attend, his dedication is lackluster, to say the least.

The tutoring program was established as a measure to support Draco in his academic struggles without drawing the attention of Dumbledore, which I am absolutely positive you nor Draco want at this time.

I understand your desire to protect his reputation, but I must emphasize that Draco's performance has caught the attention of other professors already. By providing this opportunity, I have aimed to shield him from further scrutiny.

Draco will be unable to complete the term if he can not pass his classes, in case you were unaware of our school's policies regarding the older years.

In addition, it is imperative that Draco cooperates and avails himself the opportunity to learn from those willing to assist, regardless of their family background. The Prewetts are hardly muggleborn wizards and still indeed a pure-blood family. It is essential to treat them with respect. 

I implore you to have an earnest conversation with your son, urging him to take this assistance seriously and not let his pride hinder his academic growth and success in his personal endeavors.

His future success depends on his willingness to embrace the arrangement presented to him.

Yours sincerely,

Severus Snape

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