Letter 26

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september 28,1996

Dear Georgie,

I'm feeling so embarrassed right now, honestly. You should have totally spoken up when you heard us!

There's not much to spill, to be honest. Theo's been dropping letters and notes in our Charms class. I assumed it was some prank, as he'd never even glanced my way before—or so I thought. But he knows these random, quirky things about me, like he's been observing me for ages.

We had lunch together a few days back and turns out, we're shockingly alike! He's into Muggle music too, and he adores sugar quills and chocolate frogs. Can you believe it? His favorite subject is actually Herbology, and he's pretty clever. He even invented a charm to brew butterbeer in his dorm, and he's promised to show me how.

Spending time with him is a welcome distraction, and I'm genuinely enjoying it. I've made it clear I'm not up for anything super serious at the moment, and I think he gets that. He's just a bit of a flirt, you know how it goes.

Oh, I've been meaning to tell you, I'm actually tutoring with Draco Malfoy. Snape and Sprout teamed us up. So, I'm practically surrounded by Slytherins these days. Draco's not exactly my biggest fan, though, so it's a bit of a strange setup.

I'm just trying to make the best of it all. And please, if you spill this to Ron, I will unleash the fiercest hex on you. Ginny, well, I might be a tad more forgiving.

Loads of love,

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