Letter 24

3 0 0

september 25, 1996


You've managed to infiltrate every corner of my life! I partnered with you in Charms, I have to see you after mealtimes multiple times a week and now you're attempting to get cozy with one of my closest friends!

What game are you playing?

How is it that this has been going on for less than a month, yet I can't seem to escape you?

As if my mother sending you letters wasn't enough, I can't even approach the girls I'm genuinely interested in because they assume I'm tied up with someone like you.

If only you weren't such a disaster in Potions, maybe this ridiculous arrangement would be over by now. You're nothing short of exasperating.

By the way, the only reason Theo is wasting his time bothering you is because he's obsessed with connecting to every Pureblood family. Don't let his attention inflate your ego.

And yes, I'm fine with rescheduling our meetings to after dinner on Wednesdays and Thursdays. There is simply no need for you to approach in the Great Hall with your useless questions that can wait until our next meeting.

And if another little first year Hufflepuff approaches me asking if I am your boyfriend, I will most certainly hex them. Pass the message on.

Draco Malfoy
Sept 25, 1996

Thanks for reading! Let's chat!

If you made Polyjuice Potion, who would turn yourself into?

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