Chapter 21- That's Perfect

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     I shouldn't of done that, run away I mean. I know that Tayce didn't do it. He couldn't have hit me, but what could explain that? Nothing...

"Allen wait!" Allen turned around and saw Tayce struggling to keep up with him. "Tayce?" Allen said as he watched Tayce run up to him. He was out of breath and said " wasn'" He stopped completely to catch his breathe, "I didn't do it, I promise. Let me explain."

Allen looked at him and said "Please do." Tayce continued "I have a poltergiest...she's my mother and she would do anything to protect me. She probably thought you were going to hurt me. Please can you forgive me?"

Allen sighed and said "Fine i guess I can believe you" He put a half smile on his face and gestured for Tayce to walk in front of him "Shall we go?" Tayce nodded.

They started walking towards any sign of civilization. Tayce was wearing black jeans and a white ripped up shirt. Allen was in a black jacket and dark blue jeans.

"Big Ember, Look it's boys! Are they your boyfriend's!" a little girl's voice popped out from behind Allen and Tayce. They both freaked and hid behind a tree."Why do you think every guy you see is my boyfriend? Both of you get out I saw you already, there's no point in hiding." Said an older voice.

Allen whispered to Tayce "Maybe they can help us." Tayce nodded his head and said "At this point any help is something we need." Allen took a deep breathe and moved away from the tree and Tayce followed. They saw the two girls walking towards them.

There was a young girl that looked about 4 or 5 and the other in her early twenties. They both looked like they were mixed with Black and white. The older girl had tight curly dark brown hair and Light brown eyes. The younger girl had loose light brown hair and blue eyes.

Allen took stared at them the whole time to make sure he can trust them. "I know I'm beautiful, but damn give your eyes a rest." The girls said with a half  grin on her face. Allen answered her with "I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to stare like that."

They all got at a close enought distance that they didn't have to speak very loud to hear each other. The little girl pointed at Allen and said "Why is his hair red? Have you fallen in red paint lately?" She giggled and waited for his answer.

"No! Have you?" he smiled and pointed at her hair. "My hair isn't red! Right Ember?" Ember laughed and said "Great Emory now they know my name! And no you would know." She laughed. Tayce didn't say anything.

Allen didn't want to make it awkward so he said "Well my name is Allen if you wanted to know" The little girl said "My name is Emory! I'm Five years old" She smiled and counted her age on her hand and showed him.  He smiled and said "It took me forever to learn how to count to just five!" He looked at ember and said "The sad part is I'm not even joking..." She busted out laughing.

Allen looked her in the eyes and said "why are you out here? Two girls in a forest alone with no guy to protect them? I think you need traveling partners!" Ember put her hand on her hips said "Does it look like I'm unprotected? I got my left and right fists and they are ready for anything!"

Emory looked at Allen then at Ember and said I knew it! They are your boyfriend's!" Ember annoyed, sighed and said "For the last time you can only have one boyfriend..." Emory laughed and said "When I grow up I'm gonna have three boyfriends!" Ember closed her eyes and said "Really what are you guys doing here?"

Tayce answered, "we are trying to find this island on the east coast of Florida." Ember smiled and said "So you do talk nameless" He smiled and said "Oh it's Tayce" and then she continued "Well I'm going east and we are in Florida, I have a car too. Since it looks like Emory likes you I guess you guys can tag along with us."

Tayce and Allen smiled and both said "Thank you so much!"

They walked to the black 2012 Toyota and took off.

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