Chapter 17- Broken Truce

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Tayce and Allen kept walking in only one direction. Allen knows where to go but doesn't know how they will get there. It is too far for them to walk and he doubts Tayce has a car with him. These past few weeks have been torture. First he was kidnapped on the day of his 3rd year in college and then he was taken to a weird dome place. Then he made amazing friends in the month he was there. Not to mention he started to fall for one of them, but by that time he was snatched yet again and brought to a mansion.

Then he was taken out of the mansion by Tayce "man people love me this year" he said under his breathe. Tayce looked at him clueless as in to what was going on in his head and said "What?"Allen shook his head and kept walking.

They walked in silence for about half an hour until Allen said " do you know winter?"

Tayce looked at him and answered as if he were in an interview. "Well...I met her back at my home on a beach. She was very shy and wouldn't talk to me the first day. She was all alone and it made me feel a sense of belonging. I had no one to talk to and neither did she. So we kind of just became best friends. The only reason i'm out here and you were saved is because I came to find her. If I die trying at least she knows I tried."

Allen smiled and said "Man, Winter is really sweet. She is the only girl besides my friend babe that actually cares about me." Tayce looked at him funny. Allen puzzled said "what?" Tayce said "well I kind of like winter, I miss her so much, and I really hope she won't leave me." Allen stunned didn't say anything because, well Tayce did know her first. "But didn't he just last night say that he started to like Sapphire. You can't just like someone else just because the other person you liked doesn't like you in that short of a time. Mines was different it took me a few years to get over Sapphire." 

Allen gradually became angrier and angrier until he finally stood up for himself and said what was on his mind. "No! You don't get to just get over someone that fast! Can't you see that I like Winter. I don't know what I'd do without her if she was gone. Just last night you said you were falling for Sapphire and now your all hooked to Winter because Sapphire tricked you? Do you see how wrong that makes you!" Tayce stopped walking and jumped in front of Allen "How does that make me wrong? My heart was broken and your saying that I can't try to fix it with Winter's love?"

Allen held back his voice so he wouldn't be too loud "Just stop right there!" they both froze and he continued "So now winter's your back-up girl huh? Why can't you see what your doing here?"

Tayce looked like he had been slapped in the face "You really think that i only like her now because of sapphire? And shouldn't you be grateful that I saved your sorry butt from being held captive in the mansion."

Allen grew angrier "You say you were trying to save winter? Then why were you back at the mansion? What purpose did you have for going back there?" Tayce got all macho man and said "I was getting Winter's crystal necklace and a dagger. Only to save her and look, I saved you in the process." Allen smirked and said "then where is the necklace then huh? Oh and what about the dagger?"

Tayce gave him the told you so look and reached in his pocket to grab the necklace and the dagger. He couldn't find anything in his pocket. He started to panic, so he reached into the other pocket. Then he checked both of his back pockets and even bent down to check his shoes. "I promise you I went there to get it, but I must of forgot it again because of you!"

Allen told him matter-of-factly "I bet you never expected me to be so smart. Well guess what? Allen has spoken!"

Tayce gave him the dirtiest look and said "Allen you wanna know what?" Allen nodded his head and before he knew it he could feel the wind being knocked out of him.

Yes, Allen was punched in the face with all his might, but not by Tayce but by some unnatural force.

Tayce gawked at Allen's unconscious body lying limp on the floor. Allen never went anywhere without his violin so he was still managing to hold on to it with one arm.


A few hours later Tayce was making sure Allen was okay. After all it was his mother who hurt Allen in the first place. Tayce would never touch anyone for a stupid reason as what just happened.

Allen began to move around and slowly opened his eyes.

Once he regained full consciousness he looked straight at Tayce and said "Wow that's what you do to people who are right?"

Tayce said "I'm so sorry but that wasn't me! You have to believe me!" Allen nodded his head but not in understanding but with sarcasm and said "Okay! How about I leave and you can find Winter yourself."

Before Tayce could tell Allen something else, Allen was already standing up. "Wait Allen I promise you it wasn't me!"

Allen picked up his violin and ran away so fast Tayce couldn't catch up.

Man I messed up! First I lose Sapphire and now I just got rid of the only other person within miles I could talk to. I have no crystal but now I know Winter can talk to me any time she wants. But still I have no Dagger. what am  I gonna do?

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