Chapter 7-An unexpected plan

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Tayce was sitting on a bench playing with his iron man action figures. He hears his mother's voice "come in honey dinner is getting cold" He runs to his mother and she is wearing a strapless gown with a sequented trim. She had her hair up in a bun and was waving for him to come inside the house. Just as he got close to her he reached his hand out to grab her hand. In that same instant he woke up.

He woke up from his sleep and got up and was in only a black tanktop with heart pattern boxers. He is still half asleep and  noticed a red headed girl sitting on the bed in front of him where the little boy should be sleeping. She looked a lot like Sapphire and just sat there giggling. He then realized it was her and she was laughing at his underwear. He jumped into his bed freaked out and went under his comforter. He yells out "what are you doing here. I'm not even dressed why are you laughing have you never seen heart boxers before?"

She keeps laughing and says "aawww you are so cute in your little underwear with hearts." she keeps laughing and then says "Ok get dressed we need to start planning our escape." She walks out of the room to let Tayce get dressed. He puts on what ever was in his closet. There was only a tuxedo and a tie inside the closet. He had forgotten that the dinner was that night and they had to get dressed fancy. But he couldn't wear the outfit now because it was only morning so he found a red jacket and a pair of black jeans and put them on and walked out the room.

Tayce met up with sapphire and they both walked to the infirmary to visit the boy. They walked in the room and saw him in a black hospital gown. He was awake and looked up and said "hey guys, I thought you would never show, it turns out the doctors don't know what's wrong with me. I feel awful. so here is what I need you guys to do." Tayce said "anything  for you" The boy sat up and Said "Look I know i'm not gonna make it . So I want you guys to take this map of the mansion and please get out of here alive and safe." Sapphire cried out "No you can't do this, come on you can make it, your probably going through a phase please don't give up."

The boy raised his hand towards the window and fire started to form around his arm. With a flick of hiis arm the window shattered and the boy said "RUN!" They heard voices from outside the door.  It came from here open the door." Tayce quickly grabbed sapphire by the arm and hopped out the window and quickly helped her out. They were in the back yard and near it was a forest so they hid in the far end of the forest where no civilization would ever find them.

Tayce found an old torn up blanket up in one of the old rotting trees. He climbed up and reached for it. Sapphire was laying on the ground crying. She was so confused and angry she just said "why him? why not me?" 

Tayce pulled down the torn blankcet not sure what color it was and put it over Sapphire making sure she was at least warm. She softly said "thank you." He sat down next to her and drifted off into dreamland.

Tayce was on the oh so familiar beach sitting in the sand. Next to a beautiful girl. She turned to him and said "winter needs you." She was resting her head on his chest and she had long flowing red hair. She was a perfect german looking girl. She had on a black laced dress with boots and a ruby necklace. He was so lost in her eyes he said "who's winter?"

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