Chapter 12- Missing

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Winter has been sitting in her tent crying over her lost friend. She doesn't know what has become of him or if he is okay. She couldn't get hold of Tayce. She doesn't see how, she knew he had the crystal, she could feel it. "He must of not taken it when it was hanging over the note I wrote him the night I was taken."  She pressed her hands against the dirt floor. She was sitting alone in the spot where her and Allen started opening up to  each other. She remembered one word in his letter "Escape". She knew what she had to do, but didn't know how to start.

Babe and Lily thought it would be best to study the area they were being locked in. 'how would they get out?' Lily looked at Babe trying to see if she had anything up her sleeve. Babe looked at Lily to see if she thought of anything. "How are you ladies doing?" They were both caught off track by a guy about 6 ft 1.He had a Spanish accent. He had dark brown hair and had tan skin. "I am talking to you two ladies if you are ladies that is." Babe opened her mouth to say something

 The guy in a flash got closer before they could blink. He said "I'm joking, You two look beautiful and might I add datable." Lily glared at him and took it upon herself to shut him up "How dare you, walking up to us both like we mean nothing to the world, flirt, insult us, then flirt again." Babe added "That is the rudest thing right now, we have more things to worry about then a jock with a small ego." Lily followed "We don't appreciate you coming up to us and being that rude"  They both said together "Just go away you jerk."

The guy rolled his eyes and said "You two are no better and I really didn'tome here to flirt I have better things to do, by the way my name is Rodrigo." Lily responded "We don't care what your name is and what did you come to us for?" He nodded his head and said "I know your friend Allen, he told me to help you. He said something about escaping." Babe shocked and confused said "wait wait wait, he asked you to help us? We don't even know you. Plus he's never talked about you before. Explain." she crossed her arms together and glared at him.

He shrugged and said "What can I say a lot of people are ashamed to have know me. Anyways I know one of the gaurds personally and he can help us out." Lily put one hand up and said "Hold up...I don't know if we can trust you so quickly." He said " Listen chica I can be trusted. Just because people don't like me doesn't mean it's cause they don't trust me."

Babe said "oh come on Lily give him a chance." Lily nodded her head and said "okay Rodrigo I will trust you for now" They walked away to meet up with winter to tell her the news.

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