Chapter 5- Just kill me already

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                                                   Tayce woke up still in the same spot Alexandria's guard had left him. The shattered glass was still on the floor next to him. He had grown tired and hungry. He has been sitting in the same spot tied up for so long he didn't realize he had been sitting there for two days now. She had given him nothing to eat and pretty much left him for dead. When was the last time he saw her? Not the princess but his princess, his best friend, winter. He couldn't help but feel guilty for accidently knocking himself out the night in the car. He knows he could of broken free but he feels that he wasn't as determined as he is now. He made a promise but did not know how he was going to keep it. He smelled like a pigsty and missed his lovely warm shower back at home. Speaking of that he didn't even know how far from home he was or where he was in the first place. He put those thoughts to the back of his head and thought more about the sensation of stepping into a tup and having steaming hot water pour over him as if he were a flower. Instead of growing he would drift away into whatever people think of when they are being carried away by cleanliness and myst.  He sat on the floor in his own misery. Wishing some day he will be strong enough to escape and continue his journey.

                                                     He heard the door near him open and in came the little boy from the other room. The one who he had witnessed being attacked and thrown into the truck. He didn't say anything but "Found him."  Tayce started to panic and was ready to scream until another person stepped into the room. She wore a black Dress and walked slowly towards him. Her face brightened up when she saw me as if she knew me. She had red long hair. She wore knee high boots and didn't wear very much makeup. She stood no more than 3 feet away from Tayce. She bent down and but her lips near his ear. At this moment he didn't know which to do either scream and roll away or just completely freeze. She said something that put a knot in his stomach "You wanna get outta here." Tayce turned to face her and asked "what do you want?" She laughed and said "i can see the future and in the future I see you me and this little boy getting out of here." Tayce sat there in his own thoughts and asked "but what do you want from me,why help me?" The little boy jumped in and said "we are gonna get outta here please just help us and you can leave too."

                                         The girl said "but you need to do something for me and the boy. Are you willing to do whatever we want so you can get out of here."  Tayce said "whatever" He was scared to hear what the deal was. She flicked her hand as a signal for the boy to leave. The knot in his stomach got tighter and tighter with every breath he took. She took a breath and said "There is a guard about two doors down the hall and he is the only guard. I heard that you can kill people by just saying a few words. I asked the boy to leave so he wouldn't hear this he has a strong mind but a little heart. well i need you to kill the guard or make him kill the other guards too and maybe you can get bonus for killing that damn princess. I can't wait till the day she pays for what she's doing to us." Tayce said"i won't kill him. I really don't like killing people anyways. I'll just tell him to distract the others and if the princess comes we could just tie her up how strong can she be right?" The girl nodded her head and began untying the ropes that tightly rapped and knotted around his legs and hands. She then said "oh my name is Sapphire by the way and don't bother telling me yours it'sTayce i know." 

                                        Tayce rubbed his wrists and stood up and said "well do you know should we make a plan or something." Sapphire looked at him and said "well first we need to learn the ways of the princess and the guards. We should also get to know each other so we know what we are dealing with on the battle field." They bother walk out of the princess's bedroom and meet up with the little boy who had black hair. He was skinny and had a mean look to him After all he was kidnapped by this annoying girl. The three walked to the room where tayce first woke up in. The boy who remained nameless said "i have something for you man" He went to his bed and pulled out a weird shape from under the mattress and walked over to Tayce. Tayce stared hard to figure out what it was but then realized what it was. His was so overjoyed he nearly jumped out of his socks. In the hand of the boy was the crystal necklace and the dagger which Tayce thought the guard threw out. Tayce excitedly said "Well how did you get this? I thought the guard threw it out of the truck where it was nowhere to be seen." The boy boy said "well i'm a good pick pocketer,Why do you think I was caught by those guards but i did manage to get you these." All Tayce could say was "Thank you so much." 

                                     Tayce and the other two were interrupted by a guard who told them they needed to go to lunch. They followed him to the cafeteria.It was really just a big dining with a long table. The table had chicken and fries around it, eight chairs, and three flower arrangements. The walls were a carmel brown and the floor was white rug. The ceiling had one big chandelier and the room overall was too elegant for this big mansion's style. They sat next to each other and in came two more people. One was an exact replica of Princess Alexandria, but she was older looking and walked with more grace. They figured it was the mother of the evil Princess. Then behind her was the evil Princess Alexandria and behind her a guard with a gun strapped to his thigh. He looked stronger then the rest they guess he was the favorite or something. Sapphire had to ask "Why are their eight chairs if there is only six of us eating here?"  The princess quickly answered " the other two would of came but they decided to try and escape so we had their heads mounted on our living room wall." They all stared wide eyed at her and couldn't believe what they just heard. Then she started cracking up and said "you really think i'm that bad we have them locked in their rooms they have to eat the crappy food today, but they will join us tomorrow at dinner."

                                         They ate their lunch in silence and headed to a white room it had a table a couch and four chairs. Everything was white and brand new. Tayce sat on the couch and Sapphire joined him and the little boy just sat in a corner in the room. She said "i have something to confess." Tayce asked politely "what?" She continued "I only want to get out of here because I-I have a father who ran away when i was 14, he was so sweet to me and my mom but my mom pushed him away and said i couldn't speak to him or see him again. That devastated me you won't understand. I don't even know if he's dead or not. All i know is his first and last name. How am i supposed to find him if he didn't even tell me where he was going. I have been......" She started to cry and at that point Tayce didn't know what to do so he put his arm around her and tried his best to comfort her. "Searching for him ever since i turned eighteen and i've had no luck at all. He was the sweetest man on this earth. He would always take me to carnivals and taught me how to ride my bike. It was his gene that gave me my powers. My mother never told me why he left but i think it was my fault because him and her use to fight a whole lot about me. I never heard anyone use the words that they did towards each other and mean it. I just wish i could see his smile again or even his eyes please don't think I'm a drama queen but i do cry every night and dream every day that i can one day see him healthy and maybe I'll get to continue my beautiful relationship with my extraordinary father."  Tayce said "Well don't worry i know one day you will find him. The worlds not that big, trust me he's okay he probably has been looking for you too." 

                                         The little boy interrupted with a loud whimper and he crumbled to the ground. He was laying on his side and his knees were to his chest. He looked pale and ready to die. Tayce ran up to him and put his arms under the boy and picked him up. He ran to the couch and placed him down. The boy  screamed in a scary scream that Tayce and Sapphire wish they never heard in their life time. He Grabbed and ripped the couch cushion to hold the pain. He said "please just let me die this is to painful. I don't know what's going on please kill me." His eyes were bloodshot and he started screaming again. Just as fast as the pain started it got worse and worse every painful  minute he laid there. He kept yelling at Tayce saying please end this.  Tayce didn't know what to do so he called the guard that stood outside in the hallway and told him what was going on in the room. The guard Turned his head then took his earphones off and said "What did you say?" Tayce moaned and said "The boy is dying help us in there." The guard pulled himself together and ran into the room, he ran to the boy and picked him up and said "I'm taking him into the infirmary he will probably be okay there." 

                                   "what's your name boy" said the guard. The boy screamed out "i don't have one please just help me." The guard took the nameless boy to the infirmary. Tayce and Sapphire Were mortified by the scene they just endured. Sapphire put her hand on her chest and sat down on the couch in shock. Tayce looked at her and said "we have to get out of here as soon as possible."

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