Chapter 8- Behind closed doors

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Allen was sitting in the mini forest by himself for a few hours now and didn't want to be found by anyone. He heard a noise in the bushes and decided it would be best for him to stay quiet. He grabbed the hoodie of his black jacket and put it over his head to cover his hair. While he sat their he thought about his past and how he became to be the person he is today.

Allen was sitting on a chair in a lunch table alone. He had no friends so he didn't have to worry about how he looked. He had bad acne and black hair. He had no muscle at all and was short. He only wished he was one of the popular guys with a girl by his side. It was his senior year and he was an A student but lacked the social skills he needed. He never talked to anyone and regretted it. The only thing he looked forward to was playing wonderful music with his violin and being able to see the girl next door from his home. She had long red hair and was the sweetest girl in the world. Her name was Sapphire You could kind of say she was like a goddess to him.

He knew he didn't have a chance with her. Everday after school he would work out and bought tons of proactive. After a while he started looking and feeling better. He finally looked the way he wanted and started getting girlfriends but by that time he was already done with hightschool and heading  into college. On his last day of living at home and heading off to college he built up the courage to knock on his neighbors door. Oh how he waited to see her face even if she rejected him it was still good that he at least tried.

He waited for a minute then knocked again and again and again. Then as he stepped off of  their porch someone opened the door and said "Can I help you?".  He turned around and there stood the girl of his dreams. He had been in love with her since the day he first layed his eyes on her. He looked at her like he always did and couldn't bring himself to say what he wanted. He finally opened his mouth and said "Umm...I...uhh..." He was interrupted by a guys voice in her house "Babe what's taking so long" A tall buff blonde haired guy around their age walked out the door and said "who is this? Are you sleeping with this loser  behind my back" Sapphire rolled her eyes and put her arms around the guy's neck and said "Cheat on you babe never espeicially not with him at the least" 

The guy looked at Allen and smirked and said "Ok loser so what do you want."  He was too late because while they were having their little forgiving fest Allen was already walking away. he couldn't bear to his the love of his life with another man. He went inside his house and went up to his room, grabbed his violin and starred at the couple kissing. He played his soul into the violin and continued to stare at the guy. He played a song called control the night. The guy stopped kissing sapphire and straightened up and looked right at Allen. All allen could think about was that he was going to die, but he didn't stop playing. He said outloud "tell that girl to go to hell and you never come back to see her again." 

The guy turned around and walked up to Sapphire and said something that made her furious and then he walked away into the horizon of the neighborhood. Allen watched as Sapphire dropped to the floor and cried her eyes out. He didn't know what to do so he stopped playing and put his violin in it's case. He grabbed all his suit cases and put them in the ford expedition in the front of his yard.

Sapphire was still crying and he knew he couldn't do or say anything because he felt awful enough he just couldn't face her. She looked at him with despair and looked like she just needed a friend so he got in his car and drove off to never see her again. He dyed his hair dark red and acted like he was to good for everyone to cover up the fact that he was heart broken.

The noises form the bush got louder and winter popped out. He got so scared but didn't show it. She walked closer to him and sat down next to him. She didn't say anything for a while and he just felt nervous waiting for her to ask him what happened. Instead she changed the subject and said "Why don't you come with me and we can finally show off your powers to everyone like you wanted." Allen said something he never thought he would say "I don't want to show off anything, I just want to lay lowfor awhile." Winter nodded her head in understanding. She grabbed his hand and said "it's ok whatever you need and whenever you need me Just know that I will be right here for you." He put his head back on the tree and said "thank you, same goes for you, whenever and however you need me." Winter smiled and they both sat there for awhile.

Allen put on his normal cocky smile and said "you know what let's go show off our powers, All they will see is beauty and hot up there don't worry they will see you too." Winter rolled her eyes but didn't say anything because she knew he was alright. They ran to the middle of the small forest and saw a small crowd of people around a stage. Then they hear an announcer saying all the names that would be showing off their powers. "Up next is the beautiful lovely extraordinary Lily Rose." Winter and Allen started cheering and screaming to the top of their lungs rooting for  their friend Lily.

Lily said to the crowd "You ready?" The whole crowd started cheering and hollering. She put her arms up and in that very second the ground started shaking and dozens of roses and lilies and all sorts of flowers grew proud and tall. The were taller than the trees and had everybody in the crowd grew amazed and stunned and they were quiet and fascinated by the beauty of the flowers. The only light in the area was A few lanterns around the stage and around the treeless circle in the middle of the forest.

Lily put her hands down and the flowers went into the cround too. She bowed down and the crowd went crazy and whistled. They clapped and cheered so much you would think she was famous. Then when she stepped down from the stage she walked up to winter and allen and they gave her hugs and said their congrats. Then the announcer spoke again "Next is our very own cute and sweet pretty Babe who we still havent received a name for" He and the crowd laughed together and continued cheering. Winter, Allen, and Lily screamed and clapped for their friend. Babe sheepishly walked onto the stage with a cute little smile onto the middle of the stage. She had awful stage fright and didn't do well with crowds. She cllosed her eyes, took a deep breath, and smiled. The crowd went silent as purple fire arose from where babe was standing and got  higher and higher. She danced in a circle and the purple fire danced with her. The crowd went crazy and cheered for her.

She flicked her hands and with that her fire was gone. The crowd clapped and cheered and Lily ran up to her and gave her a bouqet of varies flowers. They wallked down and she recieved her congrats. The announcer then stood up and said "Next we have Allen who we all would very like to see what kind of powers he holds in his hands, haha" The crowd agreed. Allen cracked his knuckles, took off the violin case, and took the violin out. He grabbed the bow and walked on the stage. His friends cheered but no one else did. He looked at a young girl standing in the crowd. He began to play. Everyone in the crowd just stared unamused and then they heard him say something. As he did a young blonde girl wearing a ripped light blue t-shirt and grey jeans walked up onto the stage as if she was in a trans. He yelled out "DANCE!" The girl danced ballet and didn't stop until he said "enough". He told her to sit and she did. He then looked at an old man in the crowd.

He became hypnotized and Allen told him come to this girl. The man obeyed and walked to the girl. Then Allen said "From now on you will take care of this young girl. She needs a role model and I only see you are fit for the job." The man nodded and took the girl by the hand. Then Allen stopped playing and the two people snapped out of their trans and said "what happened?" The old man said "i don't know, but I don't think you should be wondering around this place alone." The girl nodded and they walked off the stage.

The crowd at the same moment sid"awww" they clapped and cheered and he walked off the stage and ut his violin away. Lily busted out with "that was oddly sweet of you." Babe nodded in agreement. Then winter stepped in and said "well people will surprise you and who says he's not sweet. Lily and babe cracked up and said "yea he's so sweet, hahaha." Allen said outloud "yea congrats Allen your power is amazing and your so hot too. whooo hoo. Ohh thank you guys no need for the compliments." Winter laughed and said "Crongrats. your powers are amazing just don't use them on me you hear." She hugged him then awaited her turn.

The announcer said "Now without further adue I would like to introduce you to our newest addition Winter...." The crowed grew still and silent. Her friends were cheering and clapping. She stood in the middle of the stage put her arms in front of her and recited something "Mother I need you here with me right now protect me and give me the strength to show these people my true talents" She opened her hands and a blizzard of ice appeard in front of her she raised her hands and the blizzard when up into the air and showered the crowd with cool ice and then came together and made a figure of a tall women. It was  an older version of winter then it raised it's hands and as long as it took to form together it disappeared in the same time. The crowd went wild and cheered and clapped. 

She went down to her friend and they congragulated her. They all were tired so everyone was escorted back to their camping grounds. Winter still had a question in her mind. Why did they put us in cells in the beginning if they have us sleeping out here? She didn't care all she could think about was the sensation of sleep.

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