Chapter 18- Bad news

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Winter was fed up with staying in this place. Everyday it was the same thing eat, train, get to know more people, train some more, eat, sleep. She hated how the food was rationed and none of the guards would tell her the purpose for all of this to happen.

She needed someone to talk to, so she can actually make a plan to get out of there.

She saw Rodrigo having a conversation with himself in the distance, so she figured it would be best to leave him. She sat on the floor not knowing what to do and tried to see if she can contact Tayce again.

Closing her eyes and letting the cold sensation as her powers flowed threw her she heard a voice in her head. "Man I messed up! First I lose Sapphire and now I just got rid of the only other person within miles I could talk to. I have no crystal but now I know Winter can talk to me any time she wants. But still I have no Dagger. what am  I gonna do?"

She quickly recognized the voice and said "Tayce who are you talking to?" He then sounded frightened and said "Whoa Winter don't scare me like that! But Winter, I did something really awful, but before I can tell you, promise you forgive me."

Winter quickly said "Yes, sure tell me anything." Tayce took in a deep breath and started "Well let me shorten it up for you. I had  Allen with me before right?" Winter got a little worried "yeah..." she answered. "Well now I don't." He finished. Winter, really worried now, asked "Oh My god is he okay? What did you do?"

Tayce sighed and said "We got into an argument and my mom took it into her hands. Before I knew it, Allen was knocked out and I couldn't stop it." Winter started to get furious and told him "he better be okay, because if he isn't I don't know what I'd do." Tayce pleaded to her "No he's fine! I laid him down somewhere comfy and made sure he was. He woke up shortly afterwards and-" Winter cut him off and said "oh thank god! He is okay! But wait you did say he's gone..." Tayce continued "He got up. He was very angry with me. He didn't believe me when I said it wasn't me and then he picked up his things and walked away."

Winter couldn't speak anymore. She was too angry at the fact that this happened. She asked the question she didn't think would be so bad that Tayce's reaction would be unexpected.

"What was the argument about anyways?" Tayce said nothing. "What was it about Tayce?"

He still said nothing. "Tayce why won't you answer that simple question?"

Tayce sounded angry and said "Winter the argument is irrelevant and all that matters is that your little friend can't take a hit and runs away when everything goes wrong."

Winter didn't get angry or sad by his answer but only said "why are you getting so defensive?" Tayce grunted and said "No. no, I'm sorry for that. What we were fighting about was just really idiotic and should not have gotten that out of control. It wasn't my fault and it should have stopped there."

Winter asked again and asked "Please tell me what you were fighting about and maybe I can talk to him about it. Now what were you fighting about?" Tayce took a deep breath and said "You."

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