Chapter 24- It's Time

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"Tayce you there? are you okay?" Where is he? I just spoke to him. "Tayce!!! What happened...? TAYCE! ANSWER ME PLEASE!!!!"  Why isn't he answering me? "Yes" said his voice. "Oh my god Tayce I thought you were hurt!" he could hear her cry. "I'm alright Winter. I think I took you're advice too literal and got us all into a car accident. How did you know I was in a car anyways? I never told you." Winter paused and said "Tayce you have been talking to me in you're sleep. Those weren't dreams you know. She was beautiful. Angels do exist in our world Tayce. There is so much you won't even understand. Where are you?"  He didn't say anything at first but then answered "In the and Allen are fine we are just making sure the two girls are okay."  I need him to know our plan now since it is in just a few moments. 

"Tayce I'm sorry for being rude but you need to get here as fast as you can. I truly hope those girls are okay but something huge is going to happen and I don't know if we will make it" She said regretting it afterward. "No I understand and yes they are fine. What is is?" he answered.

"Make sure Allen knows about this. Tell him that me and the girls are escaping in just a few minutes and we are bringing an extra guy who knows his way around. It is important that you both try to rush outside the place to help use get out."

"Winter, I need to tell you something before I leave just in case I don't get see you again..." Tayce said in a hushed tone.

"What is it Tayce?" he took a deep breath and said "I'm in love with you Winter. Since the day I first met you. I've always loved you." he let out his breath and awaited her reply. 

" Tayce...I love you too."  

Winter woke up in the arms of Lily. "Did you talk to him?" She questioned.

"Yeah and they are gonna try their hardest to come." Winter said out of breath. "Alright well lets just plan this really quick so we are all on the same page here." Rodrigo interrupted. "So we have our weapons right?" Everyone nodded and displayed their weapons.

"Alright, now we can take out those guards." He said shakily.

Babe looked horrified, "No! I won't kill them...I can't" she started crying while Lily told her it would be okay. Rodrigo looked down and said "I'm sorry but we all need to get home. This is not where we belong. We all have family and friends to get to. I know being kidnapped wasn't in you're best interest Babe so we have to leave. No matter what it takes...I'm sorry mi amigo but this has to be done." 

She looked down and didn't say another word.

He stood up and said "I will go first." The guards had their backs turned away from the forest so he could easily sneak up behind one and put him down. He started walking towards one and stopped halfway and quietly drew both small swords he picked up before. 

Then he charged forward and stabbed one guard in the back and while he did that Lily took out an arrow and aimed at the second guard. She hesitated but eventually let go and shot one arrow piercing the second guard in the back where his heart was. 

Winter covered Babe's eyes and walked slowly in Rodrigo's footsteps. "Come on" she whispered. Babe walked with her in tears but stayed silent. 

Once everyone was close enough Rodrigo whispered "Now we wait for that signal." 

It felt like forever but then they heard a loud explosion. Rodrigo looked not too far from them and saw a newly made hole in the dome which kept them from being free. 

The four ran to the gigantic hole in the wall and walked through. " That seemed way too easy..." Lily said. Rodrigo nodded in agreement. 


They walked in the forrest for over 30 minutes when they heard a couple of voices... 

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