Chapter 10-A new dilema

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Babe and Lily were walking around the field until Allen ran into Lily. Lily said "whoa now what's the hurry, you really hurt me." She hit him in the arm and put on a really angry face. Babe added on "Please tell us why you rudely ran into Lily and now you don't even apologize. Allen looked nervous and didn't answer the two. He bent down and picked up something from the ground and faintly mumbled something.

"Um excuse me EARTH TO ALLEN WE ARE TALKING TO YOU!!!" Babe yelled. Allen jumped and said "Oh I'm sorry I wasn't paying much attention. Did I hurt you." He was examining Lily looking for any bruises or marks. Babe asked caringly "Allen, what's wrong sweety?" She put her hand on his shoulder and tried to get a good look at his face. He answered quickly as if covering something up, "Nothing is wrong with me. I'm just in a hurry that's all." He stood there clutching onto something in his hand. Lily glared at the shiny object hiddenin his fist. Babe could tell what she was thinking but thought it would be better if she asked him instead of Lily.

"Lily is a sweetheart but sometimes when she cares she shows it by being a little mean. I know she means well but its not her best quality. Don't get me wrong I love her with all my heart we are partners in crime but she isn't the best on handling situations like this. This is just one of those times where I have to stop her from talking and ruining a perfectly good friendship." 

Babe softly asked Allen "Allen sweety, please tell me the truth trust me it will make things alot easier, and could you please tell me what's in your hand that your holding so tight." Allen nodded his head and said "well i'm not allowed to tell you the whole thing, but I just want you to know that I really love you guys, keep eachother safe and stay together."

Allen hugged them both and worried them too much. Lily said "Ok Allen your really scaring me right now. What are you talking about." Allen answered her with his normal voice "Don't worry about it, just do this one favor for me." They both nodded their heads and waited for his favor. "Stay beautiful ladies." He smiled and with that turned around and started to walk away. Babe and Lily looked in front of him and saw three of the guards and one was holding Allen's violin. Allen quickly turned around to face  the girls and said fast and scaredly "On second thought, could you do me this one little favor and give this to winter, please don't read it." He handed Babe a necklace wrapped in a piece of paper that had writing on it. He turned around to find the guards right in front of him. "Hey there isn't enough of this face to go around."

One guard pulled out a needle and injected Allen with something to make him pass out. Allen went stiff and hit the floor hard. Babe screamed and started crying. Lily took babe into her arms and tried reasurring her telling her "Everything is going to be fine. He will make it through this."

The guards picked up Allen and carried him off to who-knows-where. Babe and Lily searched for winter and had no luck. They asked around and no one knew where she was. Then they gave up and went to their campsite. Lily crawled into her tent and screamed. "why are you screaming it's just me" said a soft gentle voice. The voice laughed and crawled outside the tent. "WINTER!" cried Babe "We've been looking all over for you!". Winter said "well I'm here now what is it." Lily sighed and said "well it's about Allen. He wanted us to give this to you." Babe handed Winter the necklace with the paper around it. Winter started to worry and grabbed the object. Lily said "sorry I read it already, It just makes me sick and angry."

Winter opened the paper to find a red ruby necklace. The chain was pure silver. She opened the paper and read it

Dear winter,

I beat the hell out of that stupid ugly faced guard. He looked at me funny so I taught him a lesson on how not to look at Allen Fierce. Yes Fierce is my last name don't go telling everybody. It will make them want me more (imagine me winking at you). Anyways I was put into a stupid cell for a few hours (I'm writing this letter in here) and they told me I might be going somewhere nice. Anywhere is better than this hell whole.

Well that's what I thought before I met the three of you. I don't want to leave or die. They wouldn't tell me where they are gonna take me. All I know is that they made me stand in a stupid white room afterwards and they took pictures of me. Trust me I didn't dissapoint. I was born to be a model. Posing is just one of my many abilities.

Oh yeah they sent the photos off to someone and got a reply at that moment. I geuss I won't be seeing you anymore because they looked happy. I'm kinda scared in a way but don't worry about me just worry about getting out of there. You,Babe, and as hard as it is for me to say this "and" Lily  need to get out of there a.s.a.p I really need to hear that you guys made it out one day safe and soundly. Don't miss me too much while I'm gone.

~Allen of course

Winter was so shocked by what she read and didn't know how to respond after reading it. Babe said "I was just as shocked when I read it." Lily smirked and said "Even when he is in trouble he still finds time to joke around." She shaked her head and said "so how are we gonna do this." Babe and winter gave her a questioning look. Lily rolled her eyes "how are we going to escape, in the letter it  said to get the hell out of here and that is exactly what we are going to do." Winter said "well for starters I have a friend I can probably channel to using a spell I was forced to memorize." Lily said "wait you have a friend other than us." Winter was insulted but answered anyways "Yes but he's not here, his name is Tayce, he was my first friend ever until I was kidnapped."

Babe laughed and said "Sorry but I'm still stuck on the name, TAYCE?!?!?"  Winter nodded her head. Babe said "That's funny all the kids in my class would make fun of this guy named Tayce in my high school, Not me of course I would try to get them to stop but they would just ignore me. I remember he had this beautiful brown hair and hazel eyes, his face was just really amazing, but enough of my rambling, one day he told this guy off cause he was just being a no good son of a gun. Next thing you know there goes the guy jumping off the school building and breaking his arm." Winter was shocked and said "That's Tayce, he told me about that, he really felt bad for that though."

Babde shaked her head and said "Why would he feel bad? First of all the idiot deserved it and second it's not like he pushed him off the building. It was clearly not his fault. The cops didn't even have to come into the situation." Winter looked down and said "Not entirely, it kind of was his fault in a way but a complete accident." Babe put her hand on her chest and said "what do you mean?" Winter said "I've said too much anyways let me try to reach him."

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