Chapter 25- Awkward situations

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"TAYCE!!!" Winter ran up to him and gave him the tightest hug ever. Tears filled up her eyes but they were tears of joy.

Allen was not to far from them, he was close enough to hear everything. "Winter I've missed you so much" Tayce said sounding extremely happy. 

Babe and Lily Awed in sync and Allen rolled his eyes but smiled at the sight of Winter. He was about to jokingly separated Tayce and winter so he could get his hug. Then out of no where Tayce grabbed Winter's face and kissed her. 

Winter didn't push him away, she just continued the kiss like no one was watching. 

Allen saw this and his skin turned pale and he stopped smiling. He felt like his heart was just ripped from his chest and served on a platter. His stomach felt like someone just punched him and kept their hand pressed there the hardest they could press. 

Babe and Lily went up to Allen and both gave him a kiss on a cheek and hugged him. "We missed you Allen" Then Lily added "No matter how much I hate you sometimes." She chuckled but Allen didn't say a word.

He broke free from their arms and started walking back from where he came from. Lily and Babe looked confused. "Allen sweety, what's wrong?" Babe grabbed his arm and stopped him from walking.

"Allen?" Winter said "I missed you!!!!" She let go of Tayce and ran up to Allen but he looked away from her. "Allen? What's wrong?" she asked. 

Allen looked at Babe in the eyes and said "Please Babe...just let me go." She didn't listen and said "Come on Allen tell us! We are all your friends here." 

He cursed and pushed her arm off of him "If being friends means I get betrayed, and people do things behind my back and in front of me then I want no one. I don't want friends, I don't need them. My life was way easier without them."

Babe's eyes teared up and Lily said "Allen! What the hell are you talking about? Stop it with this nonsense! You know for sure that we are all your friends. 

He showed no change in emotion and turned around and continued to walk away from everyone.

"I swear this boy gets on my nerves!!!" Lily closed her eyes and said a small prayer and pointed her hands in Allen's direction. In a moment vines surrounded Allen and wrapped around him so he couldn't move. "Babe come with me everyone else stay here." She ordered. 

They walked up to Allen and Babe caressed his face "Allen you're gonna have to tell us sooner or later. Now come one just tell us what happened sweety."

He started to tear up and closed his eyes. The vines wrapped around him vanished into thin air and he fell to the floor balling his eyes out. 

Lily looked shocked "Allen I've never seen you like this." She bent down next to him and started rubbing his head. "Tell us everything. Babe and I are here to help." 

"I hate him!" Allen said in between breaths. "I hate him so much. That inconsiderate jerk. This is just like Sapphire all over again. Why can't a girl love me back? Why do they always choose the idiots? He moved from one girl to the other and didn't care how I felt even after I told him...I'LL KILL HIM I SWEAR LILY I WILL."

Lily's heart felt like it stopped and she said "Awwwww man. I know the thing with Sapphire killed you." She hugged him tightly. 

Babe grabbed his hand and said "NO! You won't Allen, you will do no suck thing. You are way too sweet to do that. Why do you think I always call you sweety?" 

"Nice people are capable of anything" he said clearing his throat afterwards. 

Lily asked "So you love Winter?"

"Loved" he corrected her "I can't love her anymore since she's his girl now it seems. When did that even happen?

Babe came to the realization "They talk in their sleep. Like when he's sleeping he can talk to her. Sometimes if they really concentrate then they can speak to each other and just and hour ago she woke up extremely happy."

"So she's happier with him...God I'm the idiot. Of course she was gonna be close to me. I was the only guy that wasn't a perv within a five mile radius in that stupid place. She was bored and could care less about me. She was forced to be with me...but she chose to see him before all of this."

Lily squeezed shoulder "She really liked you as a friend Allen. Even if you only met because of this crazy place.  She would of been you're friend outside that dome too." Babe agreed "She did love you sweety but I guess he got her first...Personally I like you better sweety." She pinched his cheeks and smiled.

"I don't care anymore. Whatever...let's go so I can just go home." he got up and grabbed their hands to help them get up. Babe joked around and said "Such a Gentleman!" she did a little bow and laughed.

He smirked and said "Anything for a Babe as fine as you." Babe chuckled and Lily said "He's back!" and started laughing with babe. 

"Hey guys we really gotta go, sorry." Rodrigo cut in their moment. Lily grunted and said "Oh my god! We were actually being nice to each other...ughhhh" she started walking. 

"Jeez what did I say? Adios mios, girls i swear." He rolled his eyes and followed her. 

Everyone else joined them.

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