Chapter 15-A new enemy

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Allen looked up and said "is that the princess you speak of?" Tayce nodded his head and said "Just don't make a sound and lets see what she is doing here."  Allen nodded his head. Tayce listened in on princess Alexandria's conversation. "She's talking to Sapphire...But why? Wait what is Sapphire doing out here in the woods?" Allen said really low. Tayce answered "Wait a know Sapphire too?" Allen nodded his head and said "We use to be neighbors until I moved away." Tayce said "well were you  guys close or dating because I would really like for her to be my girlfriend." Allen felt a sharp stabbed in his heart but answered with "No we were never close. Never dated, actually she hated me. So you can have her she'es all yours man"

Tayce said "oh, I'm sorry about that but thanks anyways. But your right, Why is she talking to the princess?" They both sat there and listened.

Princess Alexandria: What is taking you so long Sapphire?

Sapphire: I'm sorry, he left something back in the mansion, he had to go.

Princess Alexandria: That is no excuse. You should of told you that you loved him or something to keep his butt over here.

Sapphire: I'm sorry Princess. This is really hard! I usually don't do this like you.

Princess Alexandria became furious and slapped Sapphire in her face. Then she continued "Now I want you to find some way to get Tayce here and to fall for you no matter what it takes"Sapphire stayed on the floor and said "Why do you want him so badly?" Princess sneered at her and said "Does it really matter why I want him? Just do what I say  and then bring him to me, you do want your father right?"

Sapphire nodded her head and looked right at Allen. Her mouth dropped, but it was too dark for the princess to notice. The princess giggled then walked away.

Sapphire with her black lace dress stood up and said "Allen? is that really you?" Allen didn't answer her but instead Tayce stood up and said "How could you do this to me? You've been playing me from the beginning? What's wrong with you. Ijust started to like you and now I find out it was all a lie!"

Allen just stood there and didn't know what to do. Tayce continued "How dare you. You trick me into running away with you. You show no remorse to the fact that the kid that helped us escape is dead. You conniving-" Allen grabbed his arm and stopped him from finishing that awful sentence. Tayce looked down and shrugged off Allen's hand. Allen said "Okay bro it's just me and you now. Don't worry about her. She's hurt many people already to deserve any more confrontation." Sapphire looked at Allen in tears and said "Allen I'm sorry for what I said to you, but you can't really be mad at me for that? I was just trying to calm my ex down!" Allen looked at her in pain "You could of eased up on me! You will never understand how but you broke my heart Sapphire!" He looked away clearly embarrased. Sapphire said "no please tell me how I did that! I wasn't trying to be mean."

Sapphire stepped closer to him and tried to put her hand on his shoulder to comfort him but he stepped back. "For years before that day I always had a crush on you. Then one day you talked to me. I know it was your mom that made you talk to me as many times as you did,but it didn't take me that long to really really like you. I couldn't build up the courage to ever ask you out but it wouldn't matter if I did because I saw the kind of guys you dated. Then you started to change the kind so I changed the way I looked myself. That day I came up to your door was the day I would have asked you out for the first time."

Sapphire said "Allen I had no ide-" Allen cut her off and said "well little did I know was that you had a boyfriend who completely changed you for the worse. You guys made me feel like crap that day. I do apologize now that it was my fault he broke up with you. Please don't ask me how, I won't say. I'm sorry and believe me before I did feel bad for it, but now I could care less. You ruined my life and I will never forgive you for that!" Tayce looked at Allen and said "Sapphire I think it/'s best if you just go and never come back..." He said this with no emotion. This killed her inside. Allen looked at her as if agreeing with Tayce and wanting her to go too.

Sapphire cried out "But honestly after I had time to think I did like you. Allen if you would please give me a chance I could make you so happy." Allen Said "'s too late for that I just wanted you to know how you hurt me. I can never give you a chance again because I've found another girl. She's sweet and beautiful and actually cares about me. I like her Sapphire, because she is strong and doesn't follow what other people do." Sapphire cried some more.

Tayce put his arm on Allen's shoulder and said "let's go...we don't need her." They slowly walked away and made sure she didn't follow. Sapphire just stared at them in tears and it was killing her more and more inside every time they took a step. She yelled "YOU WILL BOTH REGRET THIS!"

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