Chapter 9- Dead end

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Sapphire woke up with her head resting on Tayce's chest. He didn't move and was oddly comfortable. Sapphire didn't feel like moving so she stayed there until he woke up . She closed her eyes and thought about her past.

She was sitting on the beach near the shore. Watching her father swim in the waves. She would only sit close enough to the water so that her feet would get touched. She was too afraid of the water to swim. She always thought of her father as a hero because he would dive into the ocean and swim wherever he wanted. She envied his ability to swim in the waters. She missed him so much every time she thought of him she cried. She really wished she could find her beloved father. Her mother was always telling Sapphire that her father will come back. That was before he never showed and her mother gave up waiting and moved to Greece.

A tear dripped down from her eye and slide down her cheek. At that very moment Tayce jumped up from a dream and knocked her to the ground. He opened his eyes and said "Hey why are you crying, was it cause I hurt you?" She sat up and said "No it wasn't you. I was just thinking about things." He lifted his thumb up to her face and wiped the tear off her cheek. "Well don't cry, we still have a long way to go before we can call it sad."

He got up and stretched, grabbed Sapphire by the arm, and pulled her up to her feet. They walked more through the forest and heard noises behind them. They turned around and saw some of the guards from princess Alexandria's mansion. Tayce grabbed Sapphire and put her in front of him and they ran. They ran until they couldn't take it anymore. They ran out of breathe but luckily they were in front of an abandoned small cottage. It was beige and the roof was old and torn down. There were vines all over the small home. The door looked weak so Tayce kicked it open and it wasn't until then that he realized he left the crystal and the dagger in one of the drawers in his room. He punched the wall and Sapphire questioned him.

"I left the stuff I needed to find my friend" He dropped to the floor and squeezed his hands together. "There is no way I'm going any further without that crystal or the dagger. We need to go back I'm sorry." Sapphire nodded her head and said "okay sure" Tayce came up with a better plan and said "You know what? You stay here and I will go back then come here when I get it. I will only risk my safety." Sapphire took his face into her hands and kissed his forehead "Don't forget me here. Just remember that."

With that note he left and ran through the forest like a wild man. In his mind all he could think about was "how in the world could I ever forget winter. What is going on with me? How on earth did I forget the dang crystal. Am I that stupid?"

Sapphire was sitting in the cottage thinking of her plan. She felt bad for playing Tayce like the way she has been. The nerve of er she thought in her head. She wished she never accepted princess Alexandria's offer. All she had to do was get Tayce on her side. She would get a bonus if she got him to fall in love with her.

Sapphire walked outside the cottage and saw something in the bushes making noise. She walked closer to the noise and out popped Princess Alexandria.

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