Chapter 19- Beyond the grave

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Okay Hi this is a little author's note so you can understand what is going on. These people talking are the dead parents of Winter, Tayce, and Allen. They are discussing who they help, arguing over what recently happened, and just being parents in general. These are their spirits and this may explain why certain things have happened. The setting is inside the crystal they r all trapped in the crystal having a meeting.

Woman 1: "Okay let's put this to a vote ladies and gentlemen!" 

Woman 2: "Agatha! Who put you in charge?"

Agatha: "Oh Christie. You poor innocent human spirit. I was put in charge when I trapped all of you in here." She gave her a look of disgust.

Man 1: "Why do you have to talk to her like that? You aren't so nice you know that?"

Christie: "Jack sweety, just stay out of it please."

Agatha laughed and looked to a tall black haired man and said "Nick dear. You have to do something about your son Allen. He needs a little strength boost. I want my daughter Winter to be freed!"

Nick: "Gladly!"

Christie: "No hold on one minute. You can't just give the strength to his son. What about my son Tayce? He's looking for the same girl! He fell in love with her first!"

Jack: "Christie! Stay out of this please! This is tayce's fault I'm dead anyways Allen should get the strength."

Christie: "'s my fault. I'm sorry Jack! You put your hands on our son and he wished it, so I had to do it."

Jack remained speechless.

Nick: "No! Your son was wrong on his part for falling in love with her after that girl broke his heart!"

Christie: "Don't say he was wrong! His whole quest was to save her! Of course he found some way to fall in love with her!"

Agatha: " It's Tayce's fault my Winter was captured. If he never found her on that beach, she would still be in her little cottage!"

Christie: "That doesn't make it okay to help Allen and not my son!"

Nick: "You hurt my son! I can forgive you for it, but only if you let me have this! Let him have the strength!"

Christie: "Don't even go there! You know he would of hurt Tayce if he got the chance! I just stopped him before either of them got out of control."

Agatha: "Everyone stop it now! We are going to have a vote."

Jack: "That sounds more reasonable than this bickering."

Agatha: "Okay, now raise your hand if you vote for Tayce to receive the strength."

Christie raised her hand. She looked at Jack, waiting for him to raise his hand.

Agatha: "Now all for Allen raise their hands"

Agatha, and Nick raised their hands.

Nick: "Come on Jack choose who you want to have the strength already!"

Jack: "Okay. I choose Allen..."

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