Chapter 26- The End of a good soul

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I don't understand what I did for Allen to treat me like this. Maybe if I try talking to him again...

Winter walked up to Allen and asked him "Allen, what did I do? You have been avoiding me the whole walk and I can't take it anymore...Tell me now and I'll walk away if that's what you want."

Allen grabbed Winter by the arm and hid with her behind a tree. "Winter...It doesn't matter now because you're Tayce's girl. I loved you and didn't get the chance to tell you because I guess it was truly meant to be since you guys can talk telepathically. While you and me can only talk face to face and out loud. I will never be him, but then again I never want to be him." Allen let go of her and stormed off. 

She hated seeing him mad especially at her. She stood there trying to process everything and could faintly hear a voice telling her she made the wrong decision. 

She tried to catch up with the group because they were far off and not paying attention to the fact that she wasn't walking with them. 

She knew something deep down was wrong. She couldn't imagine ever marrying Tayce. He was a friend and kissing him felt wrong way too wrong. It was all wrong and she knew this from the very first kiss.

Deep down Winter loved Tayce but as a friend and Allen was something completely different. She was confused on her feelings for Allen at that moment but she knew her true feelings for Tayce were just friendly feelings.


A few days passed and she couldn't find the right words to tell Tayce or Allen. If she told Tayce her feelings it would break his heart...Maybe. If she told Allen her feelings it would look so completely wrong. 

Winter has never had a boyfriend or even liked a boy so she didn't know what to feel around Allen so she just stared and tried to ignore Tayce hoping he would eventually get tired of her.

Allen did notice the fact that Winter and Tayce weren't as close as they use to be. He noticed her expressions when she was with Tayce and he had a questionable look on his face. 

"Where the heck are we going?" Babe said like a child to Rodrigo. 

"Calm down chica! You will see and you will like." He said grinning at her. 

She huffed and kept walking along side Lily. 


"We are just around the corner Lily" Rodrigo said. 

They walked up to an old house that still had power. The roof was old and falling apart. Some of the shingles hung off ready to fall. The baby blue paint mostly pealed off the house to reveal the color before which was white.

"Welcome to Mi Abuela's house!" Rodrigo said cheerfully. " house!" Later they found out that his grandmother had passed away and left this house to him in her will. 

Babe went to the kitchen and found one of those old type writers and started playing with it typing a whole lot of nothing. 

Peaches, blueberries and muffins. I crave them all. I miss my cows and Pinkie the pig. Waffles are good and I like typing on this thing. Lily is looking at me and giving me the stank eye so I'm going to stop typ-

Lily took the type writer from Babe and said "I can't take the noise, sorry Babe." Babe shrugged it off. 

Allen said politely to Rodrigo "I don't think we officially met. My name is Allen and I-"

Rodrigo cut him off and said "Don't worry Allen. Babe, Lily and Winter filled me in on everything about you. Now what you need to know is my name. I'm Rodrigo and I know I'm pretty sexy if I do say so myself."

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