Chapter 2-Tayce's Quest

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                             Tayce has never been so angry in his life. He didn't mind that he had been searching around winter's house for over five hours looking for any clues that could lead him to winter. He didn't even mind that he was starving and tired he would not rest until he found his dear winter. She was the nicest person he'd ever met why on earth would someone hurt her. He couldn't help but throw himself to the ground and cry and pray that  she would be okay. The crystal then began to glisten in the moonlight so he tried his best to make sense of the words that appeared on the wall. "Look in the back yard treasure awaits you there." He got up and walked to the back yard and what he saw was way to weird to be real.

                            There was a huge shard of a mirror floating in the center of the backyard. He could see somebody's reflection but he knew it wasn't his own. The person had blonde hair and a messed up jaw. He stood with a hunch and he wore an outfit suited for a homeless man. His eyes were closed and he had a little smirk as if he was better then Tayce. He had a weird weapon in his left hand and looked as though he would throw it at Tayce. Tayce looked at him as though he would attack and stood in a defensive position. The man in the mirror began to speak and said "I don't like the way you look at me boy! But just to prove to you that I'm not all bad i will give you this weapon i hold in my hand, I have no use for it. It looks like it will come in handy for you." He threw the weapon at Tayce almost piercing his foot. Tayce gasped and jumped to avoid the weapon. When he looked up the mirror along with the man was gone.

                               He looked back down to pick up the weapon and as he looked closer  he noticed that is was a dagger he felt stupid to not know what it was before. It had an engraved name on it : Drakul Vugor. Tayce thought that was the weirdest name ever so he put the dagger down and searched for a bag of some sort in winter's home. He found a regular jansport book bag which was not what he was expecting. He ran to where he put the dagger and put the dagger in the bag. he searched her house for anything useful for his journey, he knew it would be a long one. He found Strange fruits in her cabinets each labeled differently. They were in groups they were each named: strength, knowledge, and  just regular fruits. he grabbed three of each and put it in the bag. He grabbed paper and pens just in case.

                                  He ran to his house and grabbed chips and canned foods that don't need to be cooked. he went up to his room and pulled out his wooden chest. Inside there is two thousand dollars he had saved just in case of an emergency. He took the money and went downstairs to his living room the coffee tale is always in the middle of the room right in from of the couch. He knew he hid a flash light under it. He grabbed it and took his iphone that was sitting on the couch. Next to the phone was his black jacket so he grabbed that then realized he was wearing his p.j.s. he ran up stairs to his room and put on a pair of jeans a t-shirt and socks with his sneakers. He grabbed the bag and ran out the house. He didn't own a car he usually used the city bus. He walked to the nearest city bus stop and sat on the bench. All he could think of was how he would find winter. He then remembered the crystal and took it out of his jacket pocket and held it to the moonlight. The sun was getting ready to rise and he knew he didn't have a whole lot of time to get any clues from the crystal.

                               He saw words begin to form on the floor it was only one sentence and it said "Don't give up but turn around." He turned around and could see a white truck that said transport 1 on the side of it. He got up and started walking closer to it and he was amazed by what he saw. There next to the truck was a beam of fire then the fire stopped and he saw four men attack a small boy. They knocked him out and tied him up they then continued to throw him in the truck and lock the back. before they closed the back Tayce could see more tied up people in there. Tayce was already 10 feet behind the truck he could see that he was out in the open so he jumped in the bushes near the truck. The driver and the three other men got back into the truck and the truck started. Tayce didn't hesitate to jump on board he was able to open the back but since he wanted to make it all the way to where these people were going he did not let the people inside out. "I'm sorry i can't let you guys out now i just want to make it all the way to the last stop then i'll set you free. Please just work with me."

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