Chapter 22

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Snowman (Norway)

-I hope ur doing alright honeyyyy

-tbh I'm not rlly that close to any of the English fam but I guess they're alright but if something happens u better tell me!! I'm under ur bed always no matter where u are <3

ok ig-

r u under my bed back in my home or what tho-

-uhh idk anyways good luck and ha det bra!! 😘 I'm always here if u need me bbg


You were in a spare room in the English Family's home.
Kazakhstan had already left to go discuss things with the rest of her family, Soviet Union, Russia, Ukraine, and many more siblings.

"Y/N, this is my pet Kiwi, its name is Michael!" New Zealand exclaimed joyously as she showed you the flightless bird.
"It's very cute," You complimented, giving a small smile. New Zealand giggled and patted the Kiwi lovingly, "Aussie has much more animals than I do, much, much more!" "How many in total?" You questioned and she thought for a moment, then answered, "More than 10, that's for sure."

There was a brief knock on the door and it flew open. Not literally, but it sure felt like it did. There stood the USA, with a bunch of papers in his hands. He had used his foot to open the door. He looked like he was about to drop those papers.
The American didn't say anything as he walked over to New Zealand and handed her the papers.

"I need some help with paperwork, if you don't mind," He told her and left without saying another word. You looked over at the New Zealander, whose smile had faded as she stared down at the papers.
"I gotta go, Y/N, since I need to help Ame. See you later!" She said and stood up, placing the Kiwi Michael on top of the batch of papers and walked out of the room.


-Hey Y/N just wanted to check up on ya

-How's everything going over there? Maybe I could drop by with Poland later

Hi Slovakia-

It's all fine rn and sure ig-

-Unfortunately, we still don't know about Czechia or any of the others' whereabouts. So please stay safe Y/N!

-There was a meeting between Western and Central Europe earlier, excluding the presence of Netherlands and Czechia, of course. Belgium and Luxembourg were questioned regarding the stuff that had happened, y'know, because you were held in their house.

-They didn't know about all that was happening when you were there though. There's not really much interesting stuff aside from that except for Poland being an asshole again.

-Sorry if I bothered you, I kinda started ranting, didn't I? 😅

It's fine Slovakia I wasn't bothered-

Is there anything else you wanna share?-

-No, nothing else. I'll inform you when there's something important regarding your situation!


You felt a hand touch touch your shoulder, scaring you. You dropped your phone onto the bed, thank goodness it wasn't the floor.

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