When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

If my mouth hangs open any wider, I think my jaw will be on the floor. I dont know if I want to scream or cry. Standing here with my ex boyfriend and my current boyfriend, who is a fucking prince for crying outloud! What the hell does a girl do?

"Who are you?" Harry asked, as I stay perched on his back, my mouth hanging open, stunned. This is not going to be good, at all. Nope, maybe we should walk away? Can I pretend I'm not myself? Yeah! Perfect idea! He doesnt know for sure its me... I could have change!

Andrew crosses his arms acrossed his chest and continues to glare at Harry. I silently pray he wont hit him... I've seen Andrew hit guys before for looking at me the wrong way. And here is Harry, his hands on me while I'm on his back. Just great! "I'm here boyfriend, douche. Who are you?" Andrew laughs, bitterly. My boyfriend? HELL. NO. HUH HUH.

"Put me down Harry." I say, sternly, starring at Andrew as I speak. A smug smiles forms on Andrew's face and I just want to smack it the hell off. Harry reluctantly drops me to the floor. I walk around him and march straight him to Andrew. I can feel Harry's eyes boring into my back, but I force myself not to turn to him. I need to stand up for myself.

"I knew when you saw me you'd come to your sense, baby." Andrew said, putting a hand on my waist as I stood infront of him. HAH! In your dreams maybe, bud. I say to myself. But lets play a little mind game here, like he's been doing to me. I lean in towards him and reach my hand up like I am going to caress his cheek.

Right when his lips are about to meet mine, I bring my hand down and smack him acrossed the face as hard as I can. "Thats for fucking calling me baby, and touching me. We are OVER, Andrew. What part of that dont you understand? Coming here was a major mistake on your part. I dont love you, and I never have. Now, leave!" I yell at him, hands on my hims as he holds his red cheek with his hands. I resist the urge to laugh at him. I take Andrew's silence to my advantage to turn and grab Harry's hand. Harry is laughing silently and I can tell he is proud of me. Taking his hand, I start to pull him to the door of my apartment.

"Whoa, wait a minute. Were not done here, Sofie. You really think I'm going to come all the way here to be left for a guy you've known for what, five days? Please. He's just your rebound." Andrew snorts, grabbing my arm and yanking me back. My heart drops and I start to panic. He won't really hit me... Will he? Oh my god! He's going to hit me! Just as I see Andrew's hand come up, Harry's back is infront of me.

"I swear to God, which is something I never do, if you hit her, I will make sure your on your way back to America in a casket." Harry said, vemon clear in his voice. If I didnt know him, I would be scared shitless right now. I bet the expression on his face is worse than his voice.

Andrew laughs. "Really? What's a little baby Prince like yourself going to do? Where are your body gaurds, pretty boy? Bet you cant do shit without them around. Sofie is mine. Now let us leave." I step forward to protest, but Harry pushes me back and keeps me behind him.

"Sofie is not yours. I remember clearly her saying she doesnt love you. Sofie loves me now, and I love her. With that said, I suggest you take your panzy ass back to America, NOW." If i wasnt so terrified at this situation, I'd say this scary overprotective side of Harry is such a turn on. WAIT A DAMN MINUTE! Did Harry just say he loves me?! And that I love him?!

"Excuse you? Who would love a bitch like Sofie? For fucksake, the only reason I said those words to her was to get a piece of ass. Thats all she ever is, and she's a fine good piece at that. I see now. You've gotten her, and thats why your defending her. She's just that great, right?" Andrew said with another bitter laugh. I feel tears well up in my eyes. That's all I've ever been to boys... sex. What if thats what I am to Harry? I feel like such an idiot. No guy can love a girl like me. Ecspecially not a Prince. I'm such a fool. I step around Harry and start walking off, letting the tears fall as I go. I look back long enough to see Harry punch Andrew in the face, hard. Enough to send Andrew to the floor, crying out in pain. I turn back and get into an open elevator, eyes blurred through my tears.

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