When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Harry... I cannot believe we just did that." I say panting, lying completely naked on the bathroom floor in the Buckingham Palace. I squeeze my eyes shut as Harry's hand gently traces up and down my side. I shiver and open my eyes, looking him directly in the eyes.

"Me neither. But I'm glad we did." Harry said, winking. I roll my eyes and sit up. I seriously hope this floor is clean. I grab my clothes and start pulling them on. Behind me, Harry groans and reluctantly does the same. Just as I step into my dress, someone knocks on the bathroom door.

Harry and I freeze as the person knocks again. "Anyone in there?" Will asked through the door. Panicking, I glance at Harry. He holds back a laugh and holds a finger to his lips, indicating to be quiet.

"Yeah, I'll be out in a second." Harry yells to his brother. Will groans. I hurry and pull my dress up before turning my back on Harry.

"Zip me up." I tell him and he listens. When he is finished he pulls on his clothes as I pull on my heels. "Shit!" I mutter as I search for my right heel. I look under Harrys jacket on the floor and behind the toilet, but nothing. Where the hell could it have gone? Harry clears his throat and I look up. And bless him, he is holding my heel. He laughs as I snatch it from him and put it on. As Harry buttons his shirt up, I run a hand through my knotty hair. Giving up, I take a hair tie out of my clutch and pull it back into a messy ponytail.

"Damn. I liked the hair I gave you better." Harry pouts. I laugh and smack him playfully.

I open my mouth to say something witty back but Will interupts. "Hurry the hell up, Harry! I have to piss!" He shouts. I giggle, then slap a hand over my mouth to keep myself quiet.

"Forget it, Sofie. He's going to know you were in here with me when you come out." Harry said, holding his jacket out to me. I push it away and start to open the door. Harry grabs my arm and puts the jacket on me anyway.

I turn and glare at him. "I'm not cold. I'm actually kind of sweaty and gross. Thanks to you." I say, fighting the urge to smile inspite of myself. Harry laughs as he pulls me to him.

"Its not because your cold, love." He leans down and nuzzles my neck, sending chills down my spine. "Its because you have love bites that are very obviously." His hot breath blows onto my neck. He kisses my neck then pulls away. Love bites? I push the big jacket apart and look down at my chest to see two huge love bites. I groan as Harry chuckles and points to another on the base of my neck.

"Pay back is a bitch, baby. Dont forget." I wink as I swing open the bathroom door. Will jumps and looks at me shocked. I blush as I walk past him, back to the party.

As I walk I strain my ears to hear what Will and Harry talk about. "Dude. In the palace, really?" Will asked, shocked.

"Hell yeah. Craziest shit I have ever done. And that is saying something." Harry laughs as Will slaps him on the shoulder. They continue to talk but I cant hear anymore, as I re-enter the party.


Harry and I stayed at the party until four in the morning, when we finally had someone take us back to his apartment. As soon as we got inside, we striped and fell unconsious into his bed. I have no idea how long we have been asleep for but when I wake up the sun is streaming into the room and my head is about to explode, as is my stomach. I jump up out of the bed and run into the bathroom. As I lean over the toilet and throw up, Harry comes up behind me and holds my hair. When I'm done, I flush the toilet with a groan and lay my cheek on the cool floor.

"Wow. You must have drank more than me. Even I didnt get sick." Harry said, looking down at me. "Come on, I have greasy food for your head." He adds with a laugh. I groan and dont move. The thought of food repulses me so much right now.

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