When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Someone banging on the door wakes me up from a good nights sleep on my couch. I groan and get up. I walk to the door, checking the clock on the way. Three fucking oclock in the morning! Has someone seriously lost their mind? Who bangs on someones door at three in the morning! A crazy killer, thats who!

"Who the fuck is it?" I yell as I rab my phone, ready to dial 911 as soon as possible. Wait a minute, is it even 911 here? Shit. I guess I'm as good as dead.

In reponse, someone bangs again. My heart speeds as I make my way to the door. Once at it, I stand on my tiptoes to look out of the peep hole. I gasp and scream. I drop my phone and swing open the door. My visitor smiles at me and throws herself into my arms, I hug back instanty.

"Stevie! What are you doing here?" I yell, pulling her into my apartment. I grab her bags as she flies into my apartment at the amount of force I yanked her. She laughs as I put her bags into the front closet and pull her into the living room. When we flop onto the couch, I notice she is already in her pjs.

"You didnt answer my question." I reminded her, raising an eyebrow. A girl doesnt just get on a plane to England for now reason and show up at your bestfriends apartment at 3am.

She shrugs and looks around the apartment. "You've made it very... you. I like it." She said, smiling at me. I roll my eyes and give her a look.

"Dont avoid the question, Stevie." I said, in a stern tone. She laughs and makes her self comfortable beside me.

"Well you see, yesterday... America time... I got a call during class from a very strange number. So I ignored it, but it kept calling over and over. Therefore, I called back after class. Imagine my surprise when Kate, as if Will's wife, picks up." Stevie said, eyeing with suspicously. I move my hand in a motion, telling her to go on.

"Okay... then she told me you needed me here. And she'd pay for me to come first class, which I couldnt decline. She didnt tell me why you needed me, but here I am. When my BFF calls, I come." She smiles proudly at me. Kate told her I need her? But why? And how did Kate even get her number? I am so confused. I dont know why I need Stevie here, I thought I was okay. But I guess Kate didnt think so.

Stevie looks at me expectingly. "Um... I dont know what she meant by I need you... But I do have something to tell you..." I mumble. She claps excitedly and jumps up and down in her seat.

"Tell me, tell me! I've been waiting forever to know what was so important that Kate would pay first class for me to come." She said, clearly excited. I roll my eyes. What I need is my mom.

"Well, the thing is..." I trial off until Stevie makes my arm, urging me to continue. "I'm pregnant." I spit out. I watch intently as Stevie's mouth falls open and her eyes about pop out of her head. And she stays this way... for a long, long time. 5 minutes pass, then 10, 20, and 30.

I was about to smack her to make her move or something, when my went off, indicating a text message. I grab it off of the coffee table and read the message from Harry. "I know your up, so did you tell her?" I roll my eyes. So he knew all this time and didnt tell me... jerk.

"Yup. I think she is in shock. She hasnt moved and anything in 30 minutes."

"Smack her."

"I was just about to."

"No wait, how about I come smack you. ;)"

Only Harry could turn something like that dirty... no wonder I'm pregnant.

"How about, you stop bugging me so I can go to bed and worry about Stevie in the morning?"

"Sounds good too, only if I see you tomorrow."

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