When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

She still hasn't woken up. Its been a day, and she hasnt woken up. The doctors say its because her body is in shock and she'll wake up when it feels safe again. They say everything is fine, including the baby. But in all honesty, I just want Sofie to be okay. So much has happened in one day. Her mom told her she is engaged, but is terrified to tell Sofie. Kate found out she cant have kids nor can they adopt. Press caught wind of Sofie being pregnant and now its everywhere. Its no wonder she doesnt feel safe enough to wake up.

I refuse to leave her side for more than an hour. Today at lunch time, I left to shower at her brothers apartment then came straight back. I slept last night, holding her hand, my head laying on her bed. If I'm not there when she wakes up, she'll think I left her. Sofie's mom is sitting in the corner of the room, quietly texting her on phone, while Jason ( pretty sure thats her brothers name? ) lounges against the wall, watching Sofie sleep. I groan as I stare at her for a few minutes, why cant she just wake up?

I grab her cold, emotionless hand and hold it tightly in mine. "Baby, I need you to wake up. For me and the baby. Come on, Sofie. You know I'll protect you when you wake up, you know I will." I whisper holding her hand to my heart. I feel Sofie's mothers eyes on me as well as Jason's. Sighing, I loosen my grip on her fingers and let her hand drop down on the bed. "I need some air." I tell them as I walk out of the room.

I'm angry. I dont know why, but I am so pissed off right now I just want to punch something. How can something like this happen to Sofie? She doesnt deserve this! She's a good person. Punching the wall beside me, I slomp down the wall and hold my head in my hands. "She has to wake up, she has too!" I whisper yell to myself. Someone clears their throat and I look up to see a young good looking nurse standing infront of me, hands on her hips smiling. She may have been good looking to me, before Sofie.

"You know, yelling at yourself isnt to attractive, even if your hot." She said, twirling a piece of her muddy brown hair around her finger. I roll my eyes at her petty flirting.

I stand up and run a hand through my hair. "You know, I dont really care." I said, turning my back on her and starting to walk away. The nurse grabs my arm and pulls me back to her.

"Seriously, sweetie. Here's my number, call me if the girl doesnt wake up." She winks, pulling a pen out to write her number on my arm. I snatch my arm from her grip.

"God damn, fuck off. That girl happens to be the love of my life and pregnant with my child. I dont bang slutty nurses." I growl, and turn back to go to Sofie. Girls are so much different in America. I think I want the english girls back, not American. I know Sofie and Stevie are American, but they definately dont act like 85% of these girls.

What the hell is wrong with me? A hot girl just threw herself at me and I told her to fuck off. Any other day, I'd glady take her up on the offer. As I round the corner I hear hushed whispers inside of Sofie's room.

"You cant force her, mom. She's twenty one and loves him. Can you not see it in her eyes? I havent seen her glow like this since dad died. Let her be happy where she pleases mom. Yeah, she is young to be a mom but Sofie is smart enough and has support in Britian. I can see how Harry looks at her, why do you think I let her stay there with him? I trust him and so does Sofie. So let it go, Mom, for Sofie's sake. If you dont, I fear she'll forget about you." Jason tells his mother. I stop from my mouth from falling open as I lean closer to listen to her response.

"Jason, I want my baby girl home! She cant raise a baby alone. And when will Harry ever be around to help?" She demands. I take this as my que to step in. As I enter the room they both stop talking and stare at me, surprised.

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