When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"Seriously? I will not have a kid named John. Its so.... common. Ugh." I groan to Harry who just rolls his eyes. We've been on a plane for twenty minutes to Scotland, and to entertain ourselves, we've decided to think up baby names. And Harry being Harry, suggests names so boring and common. Not my type of names at all.

"Come on, Sofie. He'll be King John one day, a name for a king." Harry said, sighing as he throws an arm around my shoulders, pulling me to him.

I shake my head and flip through a baby name book. None of this is good names. I want my baby to be unique! Not typical. "What about Kingston for a boy?" I suggest, turning to look at Harry's reaction. His eyebrows shoot up. He doesnt like it, figures. I roll my eyes and continue flipping through the book. After ten minutes, neither of us come up with anything the other likes.

"How about this... You can pick the boys first name and the girls middle name. I'll pick her first and his middle." Harry suggest. I perk up and smile at him. The more baby talk that goes on, the more excited I get to find out if it is a girl or a boy. Secretly, I know Harry is praying for a boy. A few weeks ago, he told me that he hopes it isnt a girl because when she comes to be a teenager, he'll have to beat some poor boys ass. "Ecspecially if she looks like her mom." He added. A sweet talker that boy is...

I drum my fingers on the tray in front of me as I think. "Kingston for the boy. No arguements." I said, daring Harry to say something. When he doesnt, I continue. "Diana for the girls middle name." I tell him, wanting part of our daughter to be his amazing mother she will never get to know.

"Why Kingston? Its so... adnormal. Don't you worry he'll be made fun of?" Harry asked, fiddling with my hair. I sigh and lean into him, wanting to relax but he has so many questions that rise worries in me.

"My child will be tough. I want Kingston because of the irony of it. Right now we call the baby King because we don't know the gender. Imagine when he becomes king. King Kingston." I giggle at my little joke of the babies name. I think It's cute, people that don't think so will probably think I am crazy. But then again, now a days a lot of people seem to think I'm crazy.

Harry laughs and kisses my temple. "I actually kind of like that. Alright, middle name for boy is Daniel. Girls first name is.... Grace." He said. My face breaks out into a broad smile.

"Kingston Daniel. Grace Diana." I said outlod, testing how the sound. Frowning a bit when I hear the sound of the girls name. Is it me or would it sound better as....

"Diana Grace?" Harry questioned, looking at me as if reading my mind. I smile at him.

Leaning over, I kiss him on the lips. "Now our little baby has a name." I smile down at my belly as Harry rubs it gently.


I yawn and lay my head on the big fluffy pillow. Closing my eyes I feel Harry ease down beside me, laying an arm across my patruding belly. Harry and I arrived at our small cottage in Scotland four hours ago. Harry started a fire to warm the place up, then ordered some food to be delivered for our stay. When that came, he cooked us a spagetti dinner. After, we layed on the couch, cuddling and telling childhood stories. And of course, talked about the life we both want for our baby.

"Sofie..." Harry mumbles. I keep my eyes closed as his hand soothes the kicking baby in my belly.

"Mmmm...?" I mumble, not opening my eyes. The baby is trying to wake me up, but right now I am so damned tired I dont care if it kicks my stomach ten times a minute. I'm going to sleep no matter what this baby thinks.

"I hope you say yes." He whispers back to me, kissing my cheek gently. My eyes threaten to fly open but I force them to stay closed.

Say yes to what? Is he going to ask me to... No! He wouldnt want to... But.... We've been together for three almost four months... but we are having a baby together... I did move to Britian for him. Holy Fuck! His he really going to ask me to MARRY HIM?!

Did he really say he HOPES I will say yes, HOPES? Hell yes, I will say yes! I have never been in love with someone the way I have been with Harry. Nothing can describe the feeling I get when I'm with him. Never did I imagine myself killing to be married to a guy i've known for three months... but here I am.

"I love you, baby." He whispers, lips lingering over mine. This is killing me! So badly, I want to just throw my arms around his neck and kiss him with everything in me. But I can't. Then he will know I was listening to everything he had just said.


By the time I awake the next morning, Harry is out of bed and making breakfast, I assume due to the smell of eggs and bacon. Throwing the blanket off of me and climbing out of the bed. I wipe my forehead as I walk out of the room and grumble at the hotness of the place.

"Harry! Will you put out the fire? I'm sweating!" I yell to him as I make my way down to the kitchen. As I pass the fire place, I realize the fire is out. Jesus. Why is it so hot in here then? Rounding the corner, I run into Harry.

His arms shot out to steady me, with a small smile on his face. "Baby, its not hot in here. And your wearing only a t-shirt of mine." He brings his hand to my forehead and looks at me warily. "Your burning up. Maybe we should call a doctor, or go home." Harry looks worried.

My eyes go wide and I gasp. "NO! I am not going home. We've barely had anytime together! I'm fine, Harry. I'm just hungry and hot from being curled up in blankets all night." I quickly protest. Harry pulls me into a hug, quieting me instantly.

"Sofie, you are to tell me if you feel bad, got it?" He asked, warningly. I groan but agree. "Good. Now come on, to eat, we've got a lot to do today." He pulls me into the kitchen and sits me down in front of a plate with a yellow sticky note stuck to it. I narrow my eyes at him and he shrugs.

I pick it up and read it carefully, " Sofie, thanks for the wonderful night last night.... What am I kidding myself? I miss being a smart ass and cocky to you! I swear, sex is so much more fun with you now that your pregnant. ;) Love, Harry."  I burst out laughing and drop the note onto my plate.

"You sick!" I yell as I laugh, holding my sides. Harry sets my food onto my plate, twice the amount a normal girl would eat, and laughs with me.

"But you love me." He kisses my cheek as he sits beside me with his food.

"Your right. I do love you." I wink. We eat as we joke and Harry goes back to his cocky, conceited self that I had grown accustom to but had disappeared under all the media and family stress we have been going through. It's nice to see we are going back to normal because of this trip.

When we are done eating, Harry gets up to clean the dishes as I lounge on the couch. "Babe. Go get dressed. I have some amazing plans for us today. Your going to love it!" He yells into me from the kitchen. Amazing plans? Does that mean he is going to ask me.... No... Don't get yourself excited for nothing, Sofie! I mentally scold myself.

But what if he does?


I am SO sorry for the disappointment in this story lately. I'm having serious writers block at the moment. I probably won't update until Sunday.........? SO MANY PLANS, UGH. again, I am SO SORRY!!! :(

Meanwhile, check out my story, CASEY'S CHANCE.

I deleted my other, I just couldnt get into it. But I'm loving this new one. So do me that favor? thanks!!!

much love, xxoo.<3333

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