When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

My break down at the dinner for President Obama was all over the news, magazines, newspapers, anything you can imagine and it was there. The Palace officials did everything they could to prevent it from getting out, but it happened anyways. It turns out the entire time I was having my mental break down, a paparazzi was sneaking out to snap a few photos of Michello Obama but ran into me and Harry instead. Just my luck, huh?

Sure, it could have been worse and yes I deserve to break down like that after all I have been through in the past month. But the world didnt see it that way. By many I was called insecure, pathetic and so much worse. One "doctor" said he did an evaluation of my attitude and posture at the party and said he could tell I'm "not fit to be queen, to vunerable and wont be able to handle the stress. Being married to the Prince is the worst thing for her to do." When Harry heard this, he went crazy and demanded the interview to be taken off air. Which they thankfully did. Afterwards he kept asking me if I still loved him and wanted to be with him, I only snorted and rolled my eyes. What kind of stupid question is that? I'm having twins with him for christ sakes.

Life seems to just be taking its hits at me lately, and I dont know how much more I can handle. I lost a baby, the world thinks I'm crazy and the Queen still doesnt like me. The craziest of all is she had the guts to tell me she'll make an effort to like me, only because my son will be King after Will. At the moment I was to weak to argue with her, so I just walked out. I'm sure I'm the only person in the worlds history to ever walk out on the Queen, but I did it anyway. I did it because there was no way in hell I am letting her suck my son into her trap, and make him some perfect Prince. My son wont be the way hers was. My son will live his life the way any other child would, he'll get grounded if he deserves it, toys taken away, no dates until a certain age and a curfew. I dont care if the Queen and public think I'm going to raise him the wrong way, he's my kid and I'll raise him as I please.

Diana raised Harry and Will that way, and they both turned out to be perfectly nice men. Sure they went through the ruff teenage stages but thats how a normal kid would go about things. Diana wasnt there to help her kids through that stage, but I will be there for mine. At times like these, I really do wish Diana was here to help me with all of this. I could use her guts to help me through dealing with the Queen and public.

"Sofie, what are you doing up?" Harry asked, groggily rubbing his eyes from the end of the hallway to my bedroom. I look up at him and see him yawning and stretching his arms over his head. I smile as I take in his bare chest, since he is only wearing boxers.

"Hm? Oh, just thinking about the future." I said, absentmindly rubbing my huge belly. It'd been two months since the entire mental break down I had. It was now October ( Sorrry if the month is wrong, if anyone knows what month itd be, feel free to correct me! ) , and I was seven months pregnant with the twins. All of August I did nothing but  wept for our lost baby girl. But as the days went by, I started to see what everyone was trying to convince me of before. She was better off in heaven with God and her grandparents. I was doing no good around here crying over it. So by the time september rolled around, I was back on the ball again. I did interviews and went out to dinner or lunch or just simple shopping with Kate. My brother and Stevie went back to the States two weeks ago, but my mom stayed to help me prepare for the baby. Her boyfriend will be flying in next week to be with her. I dont know how much I like that, but if it makes my mom happy, I guess I'm happy for her.

Harry sits down next to me on the couch and pulls me into his lap. "I cant wait to meet the babies... Lets hope they look like their mama." Harry whispered in my ear.

I laugh and turn in his arms to face him. "You know what I was thinking?" I asked, looking lovingly into his eyes.


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