When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

"Quiet, quiet. The Prince Harry of Wales will now be taking the stage." Said a huge gaurd. Harry stood from his seat next to me, walking to center stage in front of the thousands of reporters that had decided to show up.

Harry holds a hand up to the audience, silencing them. "I have asked you all the come today, to clear up some rumors flying about lately. So much has happened in the Royal family lately, I feel the public deserves to hear the truth from someone who has had a front row seat in it all." Harry said, confidently. I asked him on the way if he was writing a speech, but he said no. He felt this sort of thing couldnt be written out, he just had to wing it.

"Today, I am here to tell confirm and deny rumors." He said, glancing back at me. He smiles at me when he catches my eye, then waves me up to him. Once at his side he puts an arm around me. "As many of you know, this is my girlfriend, Sofie Bastelli. Sofie is an American Citizen and later this afternoon will go to parliment on behalf of her citizenship here. You know all about her past, as she has told you all before. Lately one specific rumor is going around about Sofie, which is that she is pregnant." He stops to take in the crowds reaction.

"IS SHE?" Shouts somone in the crowd.

Harry and I let out a shaky laugh. "Yes, the rumors are true. Sofie is expecting a baby in eight months. Before the question is even considered, the baby IS mine. Questions can be asked later on." he said, squeezing me to his side.

"On other things, my brother, William, and his wife, Kate, have asked me to address a rumor about their marriage while I was here. They would like everyone to know the rumors of Kate not being able to have kids is true. They wanted to be here today, but they are out of the country at the moment. They thank you for your concerns and sympathy." People around sigh and look so sad at the news they have just recieved. This is the first time I've heard this too, so I imagine my face mirrors the others. Poor Kate, I'll have to call her later.

"Yes, at the moment my family and I are not on great terms. Things were said and I stood up for the girl I love. Things will be better though. Okay, time for questions." Harry said, looking around as a bunch of people started holding their microphones in the air and shouting questions.

This is kind of... terrifying. "You." Harry pointed to a small mexican looking woman in the front row.

"Sharon from E! news. My question is for Sofie." She turns the mic to me and I gulp and blush.

Harry squeezes my side in support. "Go ahead." I tell her.

"Are you prepared to be a mother?" Ask Sharon.

"Honestly? No. I'm terrified out of my mind. Wouldnt any twenty one year old be scared to me a mom? Its much better knowing I have Harry here for me though. Back in my home country, America, many girls dont have support from the babys dad. Harry has been here for me 100% of the way and always will be." I tell her with a small smile on my face the entire time.

Camera's flash like crazy as Harry leaned over to kiss my cheek and whisper he is proud of my answer. I blush and giggle. "Next question!" Harry said. "You!" He points to a tall greying haired man in the middle of the crowd.

"Max with British Today. My question is for Harry. How do you feel about your and Sofie's baby being the next in throne after your brother, William?" Max asked. I look over at Harry who's face has gone hard and pale. Our baby is going to be king one day, if its a boy? I never thought of that. I thought Will and Kate's baby would take the throne... But they cant have a kid. Oh shit.

Harry gulps and his grip on me loosens. "I dont know how I feel about it yet, honestly. I know one thing though, I want my kid to have a normal childhood and to be happy. That is all that matters to me. And I am sure Sofie will agree with me on that." He glances at me and I smile, and nod.

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