When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


"Just hear her out, Harry. She could have a reasonable explination." Will said, as I paced he and Kates apartment. Last night, I forced Sofie out of my apartment because she had a kid. I dont give a damn if she was poor and had a future ahead of her. Who just abandons their child for such a shitty reason? Sofie turned out to be the exact opposite of what I saw her to be.

I bang my fist down onto the counter. "I am not fucking hearing her our, Will. She had a kid at sixteen. There is no damn reasonable explination for that." I yell. I grab my beer and gulp it down before going into Will's fridge for another.

"Harry. I think you should listen to, Will. Something is off. And this Andrew guy just... something feels fishy about all of this." Kate interjected. I turn and look at her. It is so hard to be pissed off with Kate. She's like an older, wiser sister to me. She always gives the best advice when she isnt cracking a joke.

Running a hand over my face, I sigh loudly. "I dont know, Kate. She admitted it to my face." This is seriously fucking horrible. I fall in love with the girl in only three weeks, and now she does this to me. I am such a fool. I truly believed she loved me. But when you love someone, your not supposed to keep secrets.

"Um... Harry... You might want to watch this." Kate said, bumping my knee with hers as she turns the volume on the TV up. I lay back on Will and Kate's couch and watch the TV.

"Good morning, Britain! Tonight we have a special for you all, very unexpected for everyone! I'd like to welcome out, Sofie Bastelli."

I stare at the TV, wide eyed, as Sofie walks onto the stage with the interviewer. My heart pounds in my chest at the sight of her. As much as I may say I don't love her anymore, I know in my heart I am head over heels for this girl.

"Sofie, you called last night and asked if you could come in and do a live interview. Why?

Well, as you know, my ex came on here last night and told a secret only a handful of people knew about. I had a baby when I was sixteen and I gave it up for adoption. Well, Andrew achieved what I know he was after, havoc. Just like a lot of people probably assumed, Harry heard. And yes, he was mad. I understand though. But we broke up and I'll be heading back to America tomorrow.

Really, now. That is just terrible. But that still doesn't explain why you wanted to do this interview.

I'm here, because I thought everyone deserved the truth about me. Not some bullshit my ex wants everyone to think. I never cheated on a boyfriend before, ever. When I came here, yes Andrew was my boyfriend. But we didn't talk often. He didn't even know I was here. So when I met Harry, who I met by wondering if in a tour of Buckingham Palace, I felt obligated to dump Andrew. But before I could, Harry did it for me.

Wow. A lot makes more sense now. But what about this bad home thing? 

I am not from a broken home! When I was ten, my dad was murdered. My mom and I went to see a baseball game of my brothers, my dad stayed home painting my bedroom for me. When we came back, I found my dad dead in my bedroom floor. Its traumatizing for a child to see that. I'll admit, I went crazy after that. I partied a lot in my teen years and some in college. My dad was my best friend. 

That is so sad. I am so sorry. Here, have a tissue. Is this when you got pregnant?

Yes and no. A month after my sixteenth birthday, I went to a party my brother was going to. He obviously didn't know my friend Stevie and I had snuck along. There, we got drunk. One of my brothers team mates at been chatting me up all night. I don't really remember much after my sixth cup, but when I woke up in the morning, my brother had taken me to the hospital. He had found me in the backyard of the house we were at, completely naked. So yes, in short, I was raped. How can I raise a child that was by rape? Can you imagine the hurt every time you see you baby?

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