When Harry met Sofie - Epilogue

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Laying in bed, I sigh happily from the peace and quiet in the house for once. Finding quiet in this house, is rare. Almost impossible. Rubbing my eyes, I slide out of bed and head towards the kitchen to get breakfast ready. Knowing Kingston, he will get up whinning because food isnt ready. Which is why I always try to get up before him so I dont have to hear him whine. He's just like me in that way, grouchy until there is food in your stomach. Sofie always yelled at me rushing her making food.

Once in the kitchen I put eggs in the pan to fry, since Isabel only likes fries eggs. In another pan, I put bacon. As I turn the stove on the cock those, I turn to mix up the pancakes. Yesterday was Isabel's choice so today is Kingstons, which of course, he picked chocolate. What six year old boy doesnt love chocolate? Thirty minutes later, all of the food is done and set on three plates at the dining room table.

My luck, no sooner it is sat on the table, Kingston and Isabel come running out of their rooms. Both of them screaming over who gets what seat. Even though we all know they sit in the same seat everyday. Kingston pushes Isabel out of the way and she falls. Immediately she starts to whail. I sigh, walking over to pick her up in my arms. Once in my arms, she wipes her snotty nose on my pajama shirt.

"Daddy! I got a booboo!" She cries, poiting to the small scrape on her knee. Faking horror I set her down on the counter. She looks up at me, on the verge of more tears. "Daddy! Dont let me die! Put a band-aid on it! Hurry, daddy, hurry!" She shouts, her eyes growing wide as she stares at her scrape.

To stop her panick, I pull a spongebob band-aid out of the health drawer I keep in the kitchen now. After putting the band-aid over her scrape she kisses my cheek and jumps off of the counter, blonde curls bouncing as she goes. "Thank you, daddy!" She said as she ran for the table to eat her breakfast.

Smiling to myself, I watch as she plops down in the chair, picking up a pancake with her bare hand and eating it. No doubt, making a huge mess in the process. Isabel is like Sofie in so many ways. When she wants something, she leaves little hints then pretends she is surprised when she gets it. She cries very easily too. Just like Sofie said she would...  She even looks so much like Sofie. She has the curly blonde hair, bright blue eyes and a natural tan. I can tell she's going to be a heart breaker when she's older. And it worries the hell out of me.

As for Kingston. Well... I call him a little shit. Just as Sofie predicted as well, he is just like me. He likes to make people laugh, and he likes to pick on his sister. He is just all together a trouble maker. And he will not take no for an answer. He gets his way or no way. Lucky for him, Nana Claire buys him anything in the world. If it was me, I'd say no sometimes because he doesnt need every single toy he wants. Sure he can have them, but he doesnt need them. For looks, he looks somewhat like Sofie. He has her hair, except for his is straight like mine, and her nose. But mostly, he looks like me. Blue/green eyes that Sofie always loved. A pale complextion and semi-short.

One thing is forsure, I wouldnt trade my kids for the world. For awhile, I was lost and had no clue what to do. I was all alone to raise to kids all by myself. Claire came and stayed with me for the first year and a half. That women was a God sent, I swear. I have no idea what I would have done without her... Kate comes by a lot to play with the kids and take them off of my hands for awhile.

Jason and Stevie arrived the day after Sofie died, to everyones surprised, holding hands. Little did we know, Jason and Stevie were seeing each other. They were planning on telling Sofie when they were due for a visit in a month. Two years ago, they had a kid of their own. Of course they were married too. They had a little girl... They named her Sofie Anne Bastelli. At first, I was kind of upset about it, but after awhile I was okay. Speaking of Sofie still hurts, a lot, but I get by. I know she wouldnt want me crying over her still, six years later.

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