When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

I sip my cup of coffee, loaded with sugar, as I wait at home for Harry, knowing he'd come back to my apartment and not his own. He's been with me all of the time since we've announced my pregnancy. I glance at my watch. 11:27pm. Our flight is at 1:45am. I texted Will and asked him to have Harry back by 11:30 sharp. No one is here, and no one is texting back. I set my coffee down and curl up on the couch, closing my eyes as I rub my belly. If Harry doesnt show, I am going to be way more than pissed.

As I doze off, I hear the front door swing open. I jump up and grab a pillow, ready to chunk it at any minute. My eyes zero in on Harry being carried over Will's shoulder. I gasp and run to the door.  "What the hell?" I yell as I reach them. Will stumbles and drops Harry onto the living room floor. My mouth drops as Harry just groans and rolls to his stomach.

"He's drunk." Will explained, at my bewildered expression. I glare at my boyfriends intoxicated ass, knocked out in the middle of the floor.

"Well this is just fucking great! Of course when I try to be nice to him, because i've been such a bitch lately, he gets drunk out of his ass." I shout at no on inparticular. I knew Harry was a partier, but he's done so well since i've been pregnant. He's gone out time to time, but he's never been this wasted in a long time. I should have seen it coming.

Will comes over to me and pulls me into a hug, making me realize I'm crying angry tears. "Sofie, relax. He expects you to be bitchy, I mean you do have a baby inside of you at the moment. What did you have planned for him?" He asked, voice soft. Will really would make a great dad if him and Kate could have children.

I sniffle and continue to sob to Will as he pulled to me sit on the couch. "W-well, I had a plan for us to escape to Scotland for a few days. Our flight leaves at 1:45." I cry, looking at the clock. Its now 12:20. More tears come as I realize we should be packing our things together right now and leaving for the air port in fifteen minutes.

"Well, come on then. We've got twenty minutes to get him awake and sobered up." Will jumps up and heads for the kitchen. I get up and follow him, a weary expression on my face as he fills a pot with cold water.

"What are you going to do with that?" I ask as I follow him back out of the kitchen. He goes over to Harry and pours the entire pot ontop of him.

"That." He smiles as Harry jumps off of the floor and shouts. "WHAT THE HELL!!" Will and I both double over in laughter, holding our sides as Harry glares at us.

"You two are assholes, go to hell." He grumbles as he stomps off to my room. I stop laughing and stand at straight. Now who is the one being an asshole? I think to myself. I can't believe he went and got this drunk. Maybe he isnt ready to take on the responisbilty of being a father yet, after all.

Will gives me a sympathetic look. "Sorry, Sofie. I didnt mean to cause more trouble. That usually just makes him laugh." He sighs and looks down the hall towards his little brother. "I'm gonna go home to Kate. If he's to much trouble, just call me or Kate and I'll come right over, okay?" He asked, looking worried.

"Alright, thanks though Will." I smiled and kissed his cheek then walked him to the door, closing and locking it behind him. I go into the bathroom and undress and then dress in nothing but a t-shirt of Harry's. Pulling my hair into a loose, messy ponytail, I hear someone searching around in my room. Harry.

I leave the bathroom and make my way into my room, where Harry was going through my laptop, with my cd's and dvd's all over the floor. "What are you doing?" I asked as I walked up behind him. He jumps and turns to glare at me. The look he gives me sends chills all the way down to my bones. He is outraged.

"So, you've been fucking around while your pregnant with my baby, huh Sofie? I bet you thought I'd never find out. Well guess what, baby, I did." He takes a step closer to me. "I know all about your little fun you have with other guys, for money." He spits in my face, I take a step back from him, tears pouring out of my eyes.

What is he talking about? I haven't slept with anyone besides him! Harry's face is right back in mine and I gasp from the scary look that is on his face. "So you know what I did today? While Will was talking to a group of his friends, I snuck off. I found me a hot little lady, not an ounce of fat on her like there is you." He said, motioning towards my baby belly. Hot tears roll down my cheeks, one after another. "So I fucked her. And she was a thousand times better than you'll ever be, Sofie. Why don't you take your skanky American self back to America? I don't want you or that baby near me." He grabs my shoulders and shakes me. I tear myself from his grip and run for the door.

I can't believe he just said those things to me... Harry has never been so... scary and violent. I grab the door handle just when I hear, "Sofie... baby... Sofie!" Someone is shaking me gently.

I jump up into a sitting position and wipe the tears from my eyes. "Why are you crying? Are you okay? Whats wrong, baby?" Harry's worried voice envelopes me. I breath in and out deeply, trying to calm myself from the nightmare I just had. Harry puts an arm around my waist and pulls me to him, rocking me back and forth. "Shh, baby. It's okay, I'm here now." He soothes.

Through my tears, I look up at Harry and met his worried eyes. "I'm sorry. I just had a bad dream. It was so...so real! I love you, I love you, I love you! I'd never cheat on you!" I shout and hug him tighter. Harry tenses under me but hugs me tighter to him.

"Sofie, I know you wouldn't cheat on me. Where is this coming from?" He asked, pulling back to look into my eyes. He brings a hand up to my face and wipes my tears away with his thumb.

"In my dream, you said I was sleeping around for money so you got drunk and slept with a girl tonight in spite of what I did. And you called me horrible names... and said you dont care about the baby or me." I cry to him. He looks shocked.

"Sofie! You know damn well that I would never not care about the baby or you. And that I'd never call you horrible names and believe your sleeping around for money. I love you way to much to believe that bullshit." He said, holding my face between his hands.

I lean forward and kiss him gently. He kisses me back and moves his hands from my face to around my waist. I pull away to look at him. "What time is it?" I asked, suddenly remembering my plans for us.

He looks at me curiously before pulling out his phone and checking the time. "11:11, make a wish." I smile, tapping his phone then closing my eyes for a few seconds to make my wish. When I open my eyes, I see Harry watching me with a smile on his face. "What'd you wish for?" He asked.

"I cant tell you! Then it wont come true!" I say, shocked that he would even ask. Everyone knew you can't say your wishes outloud! He laughs and rolls his eyes.

"Why'd you need to know the time?" He asked, reminding me again of our plans.

"Oh yeah.... Were going away for a few days. We need to be alone." I smile as he looks at me completely shocked. Just the reaction I was hoping for. I stand up, grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him down to my bedroom.

He sits on my bed, watching me pack some clothes. "Where are we going and why?" He asked, curiously. I pass him a small pile of clothes to put into my duffle bag.

"A small cottage in Scotland. And to relax. We've been on each others ass' lately, Harry. I dont want to fight with you over stupid shit anymore. I just want to be alone and happy with you, and just you for once." I tell him, sighing at the thought of us finally being alone. I've wanted this for so long now.

Harry gets up and pulls me into a hug. "I cannot wait to be alone with you." He whispers against my lips.


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