When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 40

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I wanna cry.... last chapter before the epilogue! :(

Chapter 40 ( STILL HARRY'S POV )

"Harry, please. Sit down for just a moment so we can talk." The doctor said, looking tired and emotionally worn out. I roll my eyes and stand my ground. That last thing I want to do right now is sit down, not when Sofie or Isabel could be in danger.

The doctor sighs and looks up at me with sad and grave eyes... eyes that hold sorrow. Sorrow only means one thing. Someone died. Running a hand down his wrinkled face, he takes a deep breath before telling me the news I really do not want to hear.

Then he says the four words my father said to me when he told me my mum died. "I'm so sorry, Harry." Tears form in my eyes, even though I dont know which one I've lost yet. But I love them both so dearly, I dont want either of them out of my life. I want them both! I need Sofie, and I want my daughter. How does a person survive loosing a daughter or practical wife? They dont.

"I tried everything, believe me I tried. But she lost to much blood... I am so sorry. I really am." He said, with his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "She told me to give you this... and again, I'm so sorry for your lose." He hands me a folded piece of paper then walks away without another word.

Tear fall from my eyes quietly as I stand in the middle of that busy hallway, starring at the back of the receiting doctor. The one who told me worst nightmares had come true. I've lost the one person I never wanted to loose. The one person that actually meant more to me than my own mum, though I loved that women so dearly. But my Sofie was someone else completely... I loved her with everything I had in me. I was willing to give up everything I had in my life for her. I was actually planning on surprising her by buying us a home in the States, which I had just finalized two days ago.... I had plans to tell her tonight over a romantic dinner.

Now she's gone.

A wet tear hits my hand, making me remember the note. Standing in the middle of the busy hall still, I unfold the note and read Sofie's bubbly hand writing.

My dearest Harry,

I am so sorry I didnt make it out of here. You have no idea how much I wish I couldve come out to see our beautiful twins. I bet they look just like you, I know Kingston did when I seen him for just the split second. Lets just hope he's not as rotten as his daddy was when he was a young boy! I'm afraid you'd have your hands full then.

Oh, how I wish I'd be there to watch our children grow up... go to school, have a first date, first kiss, graduate, get married and have kids of their own. As they grow, please make sure they know their mom loves them so much. And I so wish I could be there to watch them grow. I'd love nothing more than to come back and raise our lovely children together. But you and I both know that isnt going to happen.

Harry. I love you so much it hurts sometimes. Meeting you was the best thing to ever happen to me. You changed my life completely, for the better. Who knows where my life would be without you. You have made me so happy since the day I meet you in the Palace.... when you caused me to faint. I'll never forget that day. It was the day my life changed forever. So when I ask you this, I sincerely hope you listen. Please do not blame yourself for my passing. And dont let Isabel either. I know she will try to blame herself for my passing, since I passed giving birth to her. I blamed myself for my dad dieing, and I dont want my kids going through that type of pain.

Kingston. When your older and start to date, you better treat every single girl in the world with respect, no matter what. If not, your mother will come back to haunt you, got that? But no matter what, honey, always be yourself. Dont let someone change you... be the true Kingston you will grow up to be. And for the days you doubt my love for you, know I loved you very very much.

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