When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"Sofie, I dont know about this. Your sick." Harry said, looking at me with worried eyes. I roll my own at him.

"Seriously. I'm fine. I haven't thrown up since last night, anyway." I said, shoving a piece of cotton candy in my mouth. On my day off of press, I asked Harry to take me to the carnival I saw advertised at the horse game yesterday. I hadn't been to a carnival since my senior year in high school, when Stevie and I helped organize one for a fundraiser project. Now, Harry is trying to convince me I am not in good enough health for a rollar coaster. I beg to differ though. I am perfectly fine now that the coffee is out of my system.

Harry narrows his eyes at me before sighing and pulling me along to the rollar coaster. "YAY!" I squeal as we give the ticket guy our tickets. After that we rode four more rides, including the love boat, we along with every other couple had a full on make out session. By the end of the love boat, my stomach is growling so loud even Harry heard it and laughed.

Harry holds me close to his side, with an arm over my shoulder as we stand in line at the concession stand for food. "I want a... hot dog. No! Fish and chips! Oh! maybe... corn dog! Mmmm..." I think aloud as we wait. I'm very well aware of Harry and others within ear shot are looking at me like I'm insane but I dont care.

"Sofie. Seriously, an hour ago you had a funnel cake and cotton candy. How are you so hungry?" Harry asked me, looking astonished. I giggle and smile innocently at him.

Shrugging I say, "It all looks so good! And reminds me of high school memories." He laughs and kisses my cheek. A few minutes later, Harry buys two hot dogs, fish and chips and a huge lemonade for us to share. We find an empty picnick table and sit down to eat. Once my fish and chips is gone, which is gone within ten minutes, I watch Harry unwrap his second hot dog.

"Hey Harry..... Can I have a bite of that?" I bat my eyes lashes at him. He sighs and hands over the delishes looking hot dog. I take a huge bit then hand it back. "Thank you." I say but due to my mouth full of food it says like, Fank Foo. By nine, I'm dragginy my feet as Harry pulls me to his car.

I groan as I dont see the care, still. "I dont feel good, Harry." I whine as we continue to walk. How the hell far away did we park in the first place? I mean, damn. Harry stops and looks at me, worried. His eyes grow wide as he takes in my appearance. I know I've been out for awhile and I've sweated some, but do I look that bad?

"Think about something else... like, home." Harry suggest, gesturing for me to get on his back so he could carry me the rest of the way to the car. But I dont move.

I glance at him, feeling sick to my stomach again. "How can I thin-" Then I throw up all over the ground in front of me. Harry hurriedly, grabs my hair and holds it for me as he rubs my back. When I'm finished Harry hands me some water we had bought to rinse my mouth out with.

"Come on, lets get you home. I'm calling the doctor to come see you as soon as we get there." Harry said, pulling me up in his arms. I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes, feeling weak and tired.

I grumble, I hate doctors. "I dont have time for that Harry. I'm fine anyways." I argue. But I feel him shake his head at me as he places me in the passenger seat of the car. He buckles my seat belt around me before closing the door gently and going to his side to get in.

"No arguements, Sofie. You are not fine. You have thrown up for times in two days. Its not normal." Harry insists. I just ignore him and let myself go to sleep as he drives us home. Harry doesnt wake me when we get to Will and Kate's house, he just picks me up and carry's me inside, then lays me in a guest bed while he goes and calls a doctor. When I wake up, Kate is sitting in a chair in the corner of the room, texting on her cell phone. She doesnt realize I am awake until I get up to go to the bathroom.

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