When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

To say that the ride home was awkward would be a huge understatement. While I was scared shitless and shocked, I was still excited to know what the sex of my babies are. Harry on the other hand... well, he sat all the way on the other side of the car, pressed against the door, staring out the window. When I tried to talk to him or touch him, he'd flinch or just completely ignore me. It's killing me to not know what is going through his head. He isnt the only one scared out of there mind! I mean really, I'm twenty one and having three fucking babies! AT ONCE! It should be illegal for a twenty one year old to have this many babies. I'm still immature! All people my age want to do is drink and party, were young and free of responisbilities.

But not me. I'm full of responsibilities now. I have a finacee, three babies on the way, and I live under a microscope called the Media. If you think the movie stars and singers in California have it bad, you should see how it is for the Royal family in England. Ecspecially when the Princes' girlfriend is pregnant, and as far as their concerned, doesnt have a ring on her finger yet. Thinking of the ring, I look down at my bare finger... Harry has yet to give back the ring after breaking the news to his family. Out of the corner of my eye,  I look over at him. His hand is clutching a fistfull of his hair as he tugs at it roughly with a pained expression on his face. Again, I find myself wondering what he is thinking.

Another twenty minutes of driving and we finally pull up to my apartment. The driver gets out and opens my door. He holds his hand out and helps me out of the car. Once I am on the side walk, I turn to wait for Harry. When the driver closes the door to the car, I give him a questioning look. He gives me a sympatheic one back. "I'm sorry, Ms.Sofie." He whispered before turning and walking to the driver side of the car and getting back in the car. I stare as the car drives away with my mouth hanging open. Harry did not just leave me... Oh my god. Tears well up in my eyes and I will them not to spill over in the middle of the sidewalk, with tons of people walking by. I cant believe Harry just left me here, by myself after the news we just received...

"IT IS HER! SOFIE!" Someone screams. I jump and turn around to see a group of teenage girls squealing excitedly. Plastering a fake smile on my face I wave them over to me, knowing they probably want a picture like they usually do. Their eyes widen in shock and excitement as they all rush towards me.

A small redhead looks at me shyly, when ours eyes met she quickly looks away. I wonder if this is what one of my daughters will look like... Pale complextion, green eyes and straight red hair like Harry's... "C-Can we get your.. um... autograph? Please?" A blonde squeeks. I look over at her and smile for real this time. Its still surreal that people want my autograph. I'm not even talented or anything! They just want my autograph because I'm Prince Harry's girlfriend...

"Sure, sweetie." I said politely as I take her pen and picture that she is holding out to me. The picture is of me at an event Kate dragged me too. I was smiling at god only knows what, but I looked happy, and barely pregnant. Scribbling my signature, I hand the picture back to the girl as all the rest of the girls thrust there pictures to me. I laugh and sign each and everyone of the photos. The very last picture I signed caught my attention and caused me to freeze.

It was a picture of my mom and I from when I visited home two or three months ago. The last time I talked to my mom. We were walking out of a restraunt with our arms around each other laughing at something. I looked really happy, as did my mom. Even though I say I dont, I miss my mom like crazy. A tear escapes my eye and rolls down my cheek. I look up to see which girl handed me this photo. Not much to my surprise, it was the red head. All of the other girls were off to the side gushing over their photos now.

"My mom has cancer. She's been in the hosptail a lot, but they sent her home a few days ago because I cant afford the bills anymore. My dad left when I was nine because of her diease, he didnt want the responsibility of it. She worked for so long... but six months ago she fell out and now I work to support us. The doctor told her she only has a couple of months without the treatment..." The redhead whispered with tears in her eyes. Her voice was so small and weak, that it made me step forward and hug her tightly. Here I was, being a bitch to my mom over something that I cant even remember, while this girl was working to save her mom. God, how horrible am I? The girl flung her arms around my waist and hugged me back as she cried her eyes out. After a few minutes she started to calm down and hiccup. She pulled away and wipped her swollen eyes.

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