When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I stare at the huge white horse infront of me, gaping. It blinks and sneezes, I scream and run to Harry. People around look at me like I am crazy but I ignore them, as I run up behind Harry, wrapping my arms around his waist.

Harry turns with a concerned look. "Whats wrong?" He asked, as I cling to him for dear life. I hold myself closer to him, closing my eyes shut tight, afraid to see another beast.

"Its gonna kill me!" I all but shout. I feel Harry turn in my arms so that he is facing me.

"Baby, the horses aren't going to hurt you. Their innocent things." Harry chuckles, wrapping his arms around me. I shake my head and peak up at him threw my lashes.

"Bullshit. That bitch looked like it wanted to eat me." I said, accusingly.

Harry shakes his head. "What am I going to do with you?" I smile and full on look at him. With only a second of looking at him, I just want to go home and be alone with him. I stand on my tip-toes and kiss him. "Can I go watch with Kate outside? Please?" I beg. Kate isnt allowed near the horses because she is allergic. But according to Harry and Will, being deathly afraid of them doesnt get me out of coming into watch. In all honesty, I have no idea what I am even watching.

"Aboslutely not." He grins at me. I shove my buttom lip out and give him my puppy dog eyes.

"Please, please, please? I'll do anything!" I beg, on the verge of tears as Harry's horse comes closre to us. My heart pounds in my ears and I feel dizzy. Yeah, I'm that scared of horses.

Harry grabs my chin and makes me look at him. "Anything?" I nod furiously. He shakes his head before kissing me. "Go. I'll see you in a bit." He gives me a little shove to the exit. Wow, that was easy enough, I think as I turn away from him. Just as I think it, Harry smacks my ass. I turn to glare at him, only to be met with the face of a gigantic brown hurse. I let out a little scream before hauling ass out of that barn, over to Kate.


I have no idea what is going on. I cheer when Kate cheers, even though she soon informed me, Will and Harry aren't on the same team. Therefore, I cheered when she didn't. It's unbelievably confusing. All I know is, they're riding horses around and hitting a ball. Kate as tried nurmous times to explain to me what is going on, but I just dont grasp it. My sport was always baseball, and since I was two, I refused to go near a horse.

I scream and clap when I think that Harry did something to up is score. People around laugh at me but I keep cheering anyway. "Um, excuse me." I hear from next to me. I look over to see a group of teenage boys around sixteen, seventeen standing, staring at me.

"Yeah?" I asked, glancing back at Harry, laughing as he almost drops is stick? Who the hell knows if its even a stick! Remembering the boys, I turn back to them as four out of six of them as practically drooling, mouths open, as they stare at me.

A scrawny, tall boy with black hair blushes. "Could we get a picture with you? And autographs?" He asked, shly. Whoa... A picture with me? Autographs? But why?

Behind me, Kate giggles as she predicts my thoughts. I turn to her and she nods in encouragment. "Um, sure..." They all get excited as the boy holding the camera asked Kate to join the picture, then asked a guy beside her to take it. They both graciously agreed.

We posed with Kate and I in the middle of the group of boys, all of us smiling. After I signed a picture of myself in a magazine for each of them. When I thought I was done and could go back to watching Harry, they wanted to conversate. "How are you liking it here so far?" Asked scrawny.

I glance at him and smile politely, even if I just want to get back to Harry. "Great. I love it here." I said, looking for Harry on the feild. But when I look, it is empty. I look at Kate and she laughs.

"Its over. Will's team won, by the way." She informed me. I groan and push down my sunglasses so they are on my eyes. As I walk away one of the boys call my name.

I turn to him just as a pair of arms lift me up and throw me over a shoulder. I squeal the entire way and start smacking his ass as soon as I am over. "Put me down!" I yell. He laughs and spins me in a circle, causing me to go dizzy. I squeeze my eyes shut and grip the back of his shirt. "HARRY!!!!!" I scream as he goes fast.

People start laughing and so does Harry. He stops spinning and sets me on my feet. I stumble and wobble, almost falling to the ground before Harry's strong arm catches me. When I finally feel normal again I smack Harry's arm as hard as I can.  "Was that suppose to hurt?" He asked. I glare at him and stalk off, pouting.

"You love me, you know you do!" Harry yelled, as he ran after me. I turn and look at him, and cant help but smiling when I see his gorgeous face.

"Yeah, unfortunately." I wink, walking to Harry's car. Harry and I stop to grab ice coffee on the way to his apartment. Once at his place, he goes straight for a shower as I chill around on the couch and watch a movie. I yawn and lay down, closing my eyes. I have tomorrow off from press and things that help me prepare for my meeting with parliment in a week. But that will be the last until after. As each day passes, I become more nervous. Harry promises my case looks good but I cant help but worry. What also worries me is my mom. She hasnt tried to reach me and I havent tried to reach her. I'd be lying if I said I didnt miss her. Yes, I'm pissed at her still, but I love my mom. I groan and turn on my couch to face the back of it. My stomach goes nauses and I lurch up from the couch. I run into the bathroom, ignoring the fact Harry is in the shower and throw up. When I'm finished, I stand to see Harry peering out of the shower curtain at me, worry covering is expression.

"The coffee. It always gets to me." I explain with a weak smile. He nods, but doesnt look convinced. I roll my eyes and go to the sink to brush my teeth. I hate throwing up, I usually cry when I do. But that just hit me so suddenly, I didnt have time to cry. This is why I usually dont drink coffee. I go into Harry's room, borrowing a pair of his sweats and a tshirt and put it on. My skinny jeans and tank top were unfortable to sleep in. When finished, I snuggle into Harry's bed, falling asleep.


"Baby, wake up." Harry shakes me gently. I groan and open my eyes. The first thing I see is Harry's blue/green eyes. I smile and cant resist leaning forward and kissing him. He smiles against my lips as he pulls me closer, kissing me back.

After awhile, Harry pulls away. "You know its one in the morning, right?" He asked me. My eyes go wide and I sit up to look at the clock. Holy shit. Ive been asleep for nine hours. I didnt even realize I was that tired!

"Jesus. I must have been tireder than I realized. I'm sorry." I said, laying back down next to him. He laughs and pulls me back to him, an arm over my waist. He nuzzles his face in my hair, sending shivers all over my body.

"Mmm. I dont care. You looked peaceful." He whispered agaisnt my neck. I giggle as he kisses my soft spot below my ear. He kisses down my neck, then back up going to my jaw. I close my eyes as he shifts, hovering overtop of me. Slowly, his lips find mine. His tongue traces my buttom lip, and I open for him.  As soon as our tongues meet, my stomach lurches. I shove Harry off of me and run to the bathroom, hand over my mouth. After throwing up everything that wasnt in my stomach and brushing my teeth, I go back to Harry.

I climb into bed next to him and lay my head on his chest. His arms instantly go around me. "Sofie, maybe you should see a doctor." He suggested as I was close to sleep again.

"Mm, no. Its just a stomach bug, probably." I mumble, wishing he would just let me sleep. I am so tired, even if I just slept for nine hours straight. My week has just been so crazy. Press interviews, photo offs with Harry, events with Will, Kate and Harry, shopping with Kate, girls day with Kate, meetings with the Queen. Outtings with Harry's parents. Its a wonder how I survived all of these things.

Harry rubs my back gently. "If you sure." He whispers, dropping the subject. Of course I'm sure! It was the coffee or a stomach bug. What the hell else could it be?


;) its kinda short because I wasnt gonna update since I have a huge test tomorrow, but I had to give you something!

vote & comment?<3

much love, xxoo.

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