When Bad Warlocks Go Good

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A man and a priest are at a church. The man is explaining there's generations of evil in his family, the priest reassures him he's good.
Two new men show up looking for the man, their his brothers.

The sisters are outside the church getting stuff out of the van.

'Hey, you know what? The next time the Quake does a food pantry why don't you call some guys.' Prue huffs.

'Yeah, I'll just go through my handy guy rolodex.' Piper retorts.

Phoebe smirks. 'Which I believe now stops at 'J' for Josh or is it 'B' for boyfriend.'

Piper groans. 'I don't wanna talk about it.'

'Why? What's the problem Piper? You like him, he likes you.' Prim smiles.

Phoebe nods. 'Yeah, he calls you all the time. Why don't you just go out with him?'

'I told you because I'm too busy with work and my instincts are telling me to lay low.' Piper tells them.

Prue agrees with her. 'Always trust your instincts.'

'Who's side are you on?' Phoebe asks.

They see some nuns. 'Now they have the right idea.'

Phoebe looks at her. 'Who, the nuns?'

Piper nods. 'Yep, nice safe environment.'

Phoebe scoffs. 'Yeah, if you like monks.'

'Stress free, no need to worry about guys, no wardrobe.' Piper lists off.

Phoebe is horrified. 'No wardrobe? Okay, now you're scaring me.'

'Um, whose pen is this?' Piper asks.

Prue instantly replies. 'Oh, it's uh, Brendan's I think, you know the cute guy that signed for the food, remember?'

Phoebe agrees. 'I remember him, yes.'

'Good, then you can take it to him. I think he's in the church office.' Piper holds it out for Phoebe to take.

'Maybe Prue should take it. She's clearly into him, and if i had to guess he's quite taken with her.' Prim smirks.

Phoebe gasps. 'Okay, just don't go taking any vows while I'm gone, alright? (Piper hands Phoebe the pen and Phoebe has a premonition.) Oh, oh, cute guy, I just saw him being attacked by a warlock. I think it was here somewhere.'

'Alright, let's split up.' Prue says.

Inside Brendan and his brothers are there. His brothers turn to warlocks and just as he's about to be hit, Prim and Prue walk in. 'Hey! (She uses her powers and Greg flies across the room.) Piper! Phoebe!'

Prim throws the other brother across the room and they flee, promising to come back for him.

'Prue? Prim?' Phoebe calls out.

Prim answers. 'You guys over here!'

Prue goes to Brendan. 'Are you alright?'

'Yeah, thanks.'  Brendan runs off.

Prue tries to stop him. 'Wait, where ...?'

'Hey!' Piper exclaims.

'What happened?' Phoebe asks.

'I don't know, but uh, I'm gonna go find out.' Prue says.

Brendan's brothers are discussing their prophecy of the royal coven. But they have to get Brendan to turn warlock. Paul is the nicer of the two wants to let him go.

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