Chapter 20

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Heart pouunding in my chest. I nodded, locking eyes with Benny. He didn't look fazed, he just looked like he was at another party. "Right then," Thomas started. "You have been cheating on me with this man."
"No!" I yelled, "I was already in a relationship with him before you and my mother found me! And I never wanted to be in a relationship with you. I was just forced to be a ldy and act like an accssesorie of you!" His jaw was set. He walked over to be, keeping the gun cocked at Benny. He lifted his hand up and hit me, again. Benny lunged forward and punched him. I took a shuddering breath, stepping back. Benny pinned him up against the wall and yelled, "You never touch her again!" He laughed and put the gun to his head. And he grabbed Benny's neck. My adrenaline, kicked in, ther was a book, a book that I was reading. It was a hardback book that would hurt. I picked it up and walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Thomas my love." I said. He turned around and I smacked the book across his head and said, "I thought you said that a hardback book would be better for me?" Thomas held his head, giving Benny enough time to take the gun out of his hand. Thomas then yelled, "You are a fucking disaster Y/N! Why would you think that I love you? Or even want to be with you?" Benny opend the door and ther were 3 men there, the men from the ball. They grabbed onto Benny and dragged him out of the room. I screamed. Thomas pulled me down.

Half an hour later, I was curled up in a ball sobbing. Thomas had left the room, leaving me with scars and bruises. Someone knocked on the door and I opend it. It was Thomas. "You were in a fight, lets go." He grabbed onto my wrist. "There is no time to change out of your jeans and top, so you were drinking." I nodded. He dragged me out of the room. People were exiting the building left and right. Guards were yelling. Mothers were clinging onto their children. And I could smell...smoke?
"Thomas, what is happening?"
"Doesn't matter lets go."
"No!" I screamed. He glred at me. "I am dont being a peice of your game. You took Benny away from me, you abused me! Tell me what the fuck is going on or swear to god-"
"There is a Fire!" he yelled, "At the bottom left of the hotel. Funny enough. That's where your lover boy is."
"No! No! No! Not Benny Not Benny please!" I screamed
"He might already be dead! Hope he is, that son of a bitch deserves  to be for touching my fiancee." he dragged me outside of the building, and I saw Beth and Tim walking out. They were clutching eachother. I ran forward and tried to tell them, "Benny..." I couldn't breathe, I was wheezing and clutching my arms. Beth grabbed my hand and said,
"What is happening?"
"Benny is in there, he is on one of the bottom floors. Thomas locked him in there cause he found out about him." I started hiccuping and crying. Beth gasped and went over to Thomas and said to him, "Hi! Beth Harmon here, do you mind if I punch you right now?" Thomas looked confused, and Beth took a step back and punched him in the face. He fell to the floor. No one really saw. The roof of the building collapsed and went into the fire in the middle of the building. I screamed. I then looked over at the building. I put my  hair up. Knowing that I would do whatever it takes to get my Benny back to me.

I took a deep breath of air and ran in.

Overwhelmed my heat. I started running to the bottom floors. The fire hadn't started here. It started in the middle of the hotel, the whole left side was untouched. I ran down the staris and started yelling "Benny! Benny!" I didn't hear a reply, I started banging open doors and stepping in quickly looking round and then exiting. I heard a faint yell. My head turned in the direction. My ears were rining as I approached a hallway. I yelled, "Benny! Where are you!" I heard a yell again. i started sprinting, the heat was definetely getting down here. I had to find Benny. I kept on yelling his name over an over again. Untill I heard a, "Help!" I followed it. I came to a door. It was locked.
"Fuck!" I screamed. I found a hammer in a toolbox in another room and broke the huge glass area in the door. And I locked eyes with Benny. He was sat down, one handcuff was on some pipe work, the other was on his leg. I dropped the hammer and threw myslef on him. I was sobbing. Benny clutched me with him free hand. "There is a fire." I whisperd. He nodded. "Benny, I love you so much." I said, placing my hands on his hair.
"I love you too." He said, I got up and I grabbed onto the hammer and broke the handcuffs. He got up and picked me up and held me close. "I thought I was going to lose you." He said, kissing me. I leant into the kiss and he said,
"Do you know how attractive that was though?"
"Hitting that bitch with your book. It was quite hot I must admit." I flicked him and said,
"I had to do that! You had a gun to your head."
"Oh and breaking the glass."
"You find everything attractive." I laughed
"I just might." He smirked
"This is no time for flirting!" I yelled

"Benny we need to go." I said, grabbing onto his hand and running out of the room. Bennt followed me quickly and we made it up the flight of the stairs into the lobby and we saw the fire. The flames were dancing around the objects, consuming them in the heat. "This way!" He yelled, we ran up the stairs, we found a room, we ran into it and shut the door. "This is shit, this is shit." I started to shake. "
"It's okay, these rooms have balconies." He opend the door, we daw the crowd. Beth was yelling at Thomas. Tim noticed us and tapped on Beth's shoulder, she looked over and her eyes went wide, there were flames overlapping the room behind us. People were sreaming.
"We are going to have to jump." Benny said
"Benny I can't." I whisperd
"It will be okay, we will survive, and I will fight to have you back. I promise. You are not going back to them."
"Benny," I looked at him, "I love you."
"I love you too Y/N. I love you more than I have loved anyone, and I'm not scared anymore."
"Me neither."
"Hold my hand." he said, I did.
"Ready, one, two, three, jump!"

My feet pushed off the floor and I was flying.

A/N= Another cliffhanger hahahahaha, going to try and upload some more later! Love you all xx
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