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Simon and Clary are sitting on Simon's bed in the academy basement. They have been talking about becoming parabati for the last few weeks. Because Simon is almost 19, they are going to do the ceremony right after Simon accends. Neither one of the pair knew much about planning for a formal shadow hunter ceremony. Simon and Clary were the witnesses for Emma's and Julian's ceremony last month. That was the same weekend that he and Clary had found out they would still be able to go through the parabati ritual. If Simon thinks hard enough, he can still feel the chill in his bones from the trial by water he and Clary had been put through.The placement of the parabati rune is something Simon is curious about. "Well, Jace and Alec have their runes on their chest and back, and Emma's is on her hand. Considering my arms are pretty full of runes already, I was thinking either my side or mid back. You can choose anywhere for me to draw your rune. " explains Clary. "I don't want to screw it up. I have never drawn runes on another person, and probably won't until our ceremony." Says Simon. "Well, I can help you practice the parabati rune, and we can also work on your rune memorization for your final coming up." Clary volunteers. "Tommorow. I'm too tired tonight." Simon says.
Simon and Clary lay back on the bed together. Its moments like these that Clary remembers that Simon doesn't remember their years of sleep overs and their awkward first kisses at 11 and 12. Simon has told Clary that he's gotten some flashes of memories from his real childhood and of his relationship with Clary.
"This feels so familiar," Simon says, breaking Clary out of her thoughts. "We did this all the time. We'd have days reading comics, playing video games, and just laying talking for hours. We had a lot of sleepovers at your mom's house in the summer, too." Clary fills in.
Simon has been wanting to ask for a while, but he wasn't sure if it would be safe to bring up. He didn't want to hurt Isabel or Clary.
"At these sleepovers growing up, did we ever...?" Simon says.

"NO!" Clary exclaims, a little too loud. Simon grimaced.
"I just meant that we didn't, or at least I didn't ever really feel that way. What's got you asking this?" Clary asked carefully. Sitting up along with Simon.
"I had a short memory flash about a month ago. It was of you and me in a bed, and our lips were just about to touch and then, nothing. That's all I remember. I didn't want to make anything awkward, and I didn't want to even think about the what ifs like I had imagined it or something. I didn't want to mess up again." Simon confessed.
"It's okay, I guess I just never knew how to bring it up, and I didn't want to make it awkward between us or with you and Izzy." Simon nods. "So you didn't imagine anything. That was a memory. It was right after Valentine told Jace that I was his sister. We couldn't be together, and I was so sad. You tried to help, and you thought that all these feelings you had were romantic, not platonic, like I think they always were, really.
Anyways, we kissed, and nothing really changed between us. It was only a couple of times. Izzy and Jace got so jealous, though. We fucked up. I think that is really why Magnus was brought in when they had us drink water from Lake Lynn. They wanted to confirm that we didn't have romantic feelings for eachother. What I'm saying is that we sort of went down that road and then backed right up. I think that we have always had such a unique bond that it can't really be explained in mundane terms. As soon as the word parabati was brought up, I just thought, Duh, of course. Okay Simon, I see the look on your face, talk now, " said Clary carefully.
"That's great! I thought it was going to be so much worse. I mean, I'm glad that it was all resolved and wasn't just some unspoken thing that was going to blow up our lives. Thanks, Clary. I honestly don't remember what I used to feel and don't remember all our times together, but I do know that you feel like a piece of me. When you're not here, it's like you're at the back of my mind reminding me why I'm here or to not be a dork. This thing is just a platonic feeling of concern and love for you, Clary."
They are both sitting now and smiling like fools.
"Also, maybe let's not bring up this subject with Jace and Izzy," Simon says. "I was about to say the same, Lewis." Clary says with a laugh.

George knocks and then enters the room. "Did I miss something? What's so funny?" Questions, George.
Simon and Clary just smiled at each other and changed the subject, launching into a heated discussion about the new graphic novel George had bought over semester break.

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