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Clary had always wanted a big family, and now she had one. It was just her and her mom and Luke growing up. When she was 9, she met Simon, who was now her parabati. After entering the shadow world she gained a lot of friends and 
family. She found her boyfriend Jace. He was hers from the moment they saw eachother. He had 2 siblings, so they became family as well. Jace's brother Alec started dating a worlock named Magnus and he and Clary became fast friends. Jace's sister Isabel started to date Simon and Clary found the sister she always needed. Magnus and Alec were the first in the family to have kids so Clary had 2 nephews. Then it was her and Jace. They have a wonderful daughter they named her Eliza. Clary was pregnant again and expecting her second child in 4 months. She had more love then she knew what to do with most of the time.

She and Jace and Eliza lived at the New York Institute. Her best friend and parabati Simon lived at the institute with his wife Isabel. The good thing about living there was that there was always someone around to help out. There were always people coming and going for meetings and training. Shadowhunters from all over the world would come to the institute to train and that meant that the institute was full of kids most weekends. Clary mostly handled the business side of running the institute alongside Maryse, Jace's mom, the last head of the institute. Jace handled patrol schedules and training as well as meetings with the larger clave. He was often found in the training rooms, the strategy  room or at the government center with his parabati Consul Alec Lightwood.

After Izzy and Simon had gotten married last year Jace had been trying to not so subtlety convince Clary to get married. Both of his siblings Alec and Izzy were married and Clary thought that Jace may be feeling left out. To his credit his methods did work for having their daughter Eliza. Neither of them had even thought about kids until Alec and Magnus adopted their first son. Clary had caught Jace with wedding magazines at least 2 times this month alone. She was half way convinced that one day she was going to walk into her office to find a wedding dress and pre-written vows. She loved Jace but had just never felt the need to marry him. If she was ever to marry Jace the wedding would be for him. Isabel and Magnus of course would be thrilled to help plan another wedding.

All Jace's effort seemed to be paying off, though. Clary had been thinking about being married and how that would affect their lives. She thought about last names and wondered if she would want to keep hers of change it so she would have the same surname as her husband and kids. She smiled at the thought of her kids dressed up for their parent's wedding.

Clary couldn't let Jace know that his plan was working for a second time though. She had to think of something fast.

She made plans with Simon to go on a best friend's date 2 days later. They walked from the institute to a Cafe about a mile away. She confessed to her friend about how she had been feeling with Jace recently. Simon let her talk and when she ran out of words they ate their food in comfortable silence. Simon ordered two coffees for himself and Clary. They stayed in their booth and talked. Simon's advice was just to let it happen. Just follow her feelings. He said her only other helpful option was to confront Jace and have a conversation about both of their wants and needs moving forward in their relationship.

Clary oppted for the first option.  She still didn't really want to make a big deal of everything she was feeling.

6 months later

Clary had settled into life and taking it one day at a time. She had now had her second baby, a little boy named Christopher. She and Jace were doing really good. Jace and Clary had a system now for juggling all of their responsibilities. Clary would get up with the kids the mornings after Jace went on patrol. Jace would get up around midmorning and take the kids to play, while Clary went to the head of institutes office to work on filling out reports from the previous day and filing paper work for the formal meetings that happened once or twice a month. Clary and Jace would switch places with the kids again after lunch. Jace would go to the office and usually run staff meetings of training. Alec also came in the afternoons for training. Jace and Alec handled the training for kids in the expanded training rooms at the institute. Alec brought Max and Rafe a couple of times a week. Jace and Clary's kids were still too little to do the more physical training. Clary did do some history story telling  to her older daughter while the baby was still sleeping. Clary and Jace tried to make sure that they could eat dinner together with their kids in the evening. Simon and Izzy joined family dinner a few times a week as well.

Jace and Clary had ended up talking about getting married casually a few times now. Jace was ready to propose and had a good feeling that Clary would say yes. He got a sign and some gimmicky t-shirts made for his kids. The shirts looked like a little wedding dress and a tux top. The sign said, "Will you marry us?" He set up to do the proposal in the institute garden.  He would be talking to Clary and they would come around the side of the building to see the kids in the garden. Jace would point our the sign and then when Clary was turned he would get down on one knee and hold out the engagement ring.
Everything went as planned and Clary wore her ring to a big family dinner that night. Jace had made sure to schedule the monthly dinner the same day as his proposal. The whole family would be at dinner and this one was special because he had told Jocelyn and Luke everything when he asked if he could marry their daughter.

Everyone at the dinner included Jocelyn, Luke, Maryse,  Kadeem, Alec, Magnus, Max, Rafe, Izzy, Simon and the Herondale family. Jocelyn saw the ring first and winked at Jace and fawned over Clary. Everyone offered their congratulations before and during dinner. After the kids were put to bed, alcohol was drank, and guests had left Simon pulled Clary for a quick talk. They hugged and Clary talked about how happy and surprised she was. Jace had managed to keep it a secret from everyone. Simon said that the kid's outfits were adorable. Simon and Clary hugged again and then went to their respective rooms for bed.

Jace was waiting for Clary. There were roses all over their bedroom. He had layed out pillows on the floor for a movie. He had boxers and a robe on. He immediately came up to Clary and they kissed. Jace then offered to give Clary a massage, which was one of her favorite things. She agreed and her clothes came off. She kept her panties on but laid on the bed otherwise bare. Jace gave her a 20 minute massage and when he was done he offered her a robe as well. Once in their robes they moved to the pillows on the floor and watch a couple episodes of their favorite show together. Life had been pretty non stop so just being together was a welcome break. After the last episode Clary took Jace's hand and brought them to bed. They discarded their under garments and robes and got into the bed together. Their celebration was amazing and just what the couple had needed to feel connected and safe.

Shadow Hunters: Parabati Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon