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Simon and Izzy were on their way to Izzy's brother Alec's apartment. They were going to have dinner with him, Magnus, and the kids. After dinner, they were hoping to find out more about the baby Izzy was carrying.
They had found out Izzy was pregnant 2 weeks ago. Then last week, Izzy had gotten up the nerve to tell her mom and brother Alec. Izzy's mom was very excited to have another grand baby. Alec was stunned, but accepting. He had offered up Magnus's services to help the couple find out more about how far along she was and if the baby was healthy.
The procedure for shadowhunters is that after the first trimester, they were taken off patrol rotation. This meant that Izzy could be benched for the next 6 or 7 months. She was unsure of how she was going to fill her time without patrol or the intense training she was used to. She had taken everything in stride so far, so she was confident that she would cope with whatever happened tonight.

Izzy and Simon  arrived at Alec's apartment. Magnus opened the door for them, and they each received a crushing hug from the kids. Max and Rafe were very excited to see their aunt and uncle, and it had been awhile. Simon was busy with counsel stuff, and Izzy was almost always at the institute training or doing other work for Jace. They made their way to the couches. Magnus and Alec, and Rafe took one and Simon and Izzy and Max on the other. Max promptly took the lead and started to talk about his week. He was a little overwhelming and excitable. Rafe smiled and interjected when he felt the need. Magnus and Alec sat for a while, and then Magnus got up and went to the kitchen to make up some food. After Magus conjectured their takeout, he called his family and their guests to the table.
It was a good meal and they all made their way back to the living room to socialize a little more before the kids had to go off to bed. The kids sat on the floor this time so the adults could talk a bit. They talked about their weeks and Magnus told some interesting stories, that were a bit outlandish.
The clock struck 8 and it was time for the kids to go to bed. Magnus Rafe and Max went to Max's room for story time. Alec, Izzy, and Simon all stayed in the living room chatting. Eventually the conversation switched to kids and then to Izzy and Simon's baby. Magnus came back into the room just as they were asking about some of the things they could find out with magic tonight. Magnus answered a few questions. He explained that the spells he learned could tell them how far along the pregnancy was. Another was to check for heartbeat and general health of the fetus. The last could allow them to see into Izzy's uterus and see the developing baby. The couple was excited by this and asked if Magnus could do all of the spells tonight. He agreed with the caveat that he wasn't a doctor and Izzy should probably see someone else for regular check ups. Izzy then told them that her mother had already set up and appoint with a silent brother for a check in 2 weeks. They got to it. Magnus had Izzy lie back on the couch. Simon sat by her head and Alec sat on the far end of the other couch out of the way. Magnus stood in front of Izzy and started the first spell. He said that she was at 17 weeks. Izzy was a little shocked that her morning sickness hadn't started til now. Magnus moved on to the next, and the baby passed healthy as can be. Both soon to be parents were very grateful for this. For the last spell, Magnus asked Izzy if she could lift her shirt to expose her belly. Izzy raised her shirt and Magnus preformed the spell. Izzy's stomach was see through now they could all see the growing baby curled up inside her womb. They were all in awe. The spell wore off after about 5 minutes. Izzy was able to sit up then and talk. Simon gave her a hug and a kiss. Magnus gave her a hug and Alec did his usual half hug with a shoulder squeeze. They talked for a bit, Magnus provided drinks including non alcoholic for Izzy. They left after an hour and promises to see eachother again soon.

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