Ascension Day

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Following the accention ceremony, Simon was wrecked. He had just watched one of his best friends turn and die as a forsaken. George was Simon's first friend and roommate at Shadowhunter Academy. George was a mundane raised by an old Shadowhunter family in Scotland.
Simon woke up in Catarina Loss's bedroom. Simon was lost he could remember the creature who used to be George hitting the ground. As Simon tried to shake the awful image from his head, he realized he had his head lying across Clary's lap.
Clary had been running her fingers through Simon's hair for the last hour. She had tried her best to get the blood out of his hair. After George turned, Simon tried to rush the stage to try and help him. With Simon's new Shadowhunter strength, Alec and Izzy were both struggling to hold him back. Right as Simon broke free, Jace pulled a dagger from his belt and hit Simon over the head with the hilt. Jace's defense was that Simon shouldn't have witnessed the disposal of George's body. It all happened really fast, and then Simon was lying on the floor, his head bleeding fast. Catarina, a trained nurse and professor at the academy, rushed over to aid him with her healing magic. Simon was still knocked out, however, so Ms. Loss let the group of friends bring Simon to her room. It's best to avoid Simon seeing all of George's things right when he wakes up. Simon's friends put him down on the couch and gave him and Clary some space.

Clary was the only one in the room when Simon awoke. After the memories of the last few hours hit him, he was reduced to sobs. The last person close to Simon, who died, was his dad and then Jordan, who was his protector back when Simon was a vampire. After Simon stopped crying, Catarina came back into her room and helped Clary explain the events of earlier that day, following the ascension ceremony.

During the accention ceremony, all of the graduates stood at the front of the hall. The head master had the mortal cup. One by one, the students stepped to the podium. The head master said a few words and then had the student drink. After the drink, the student was announced with their chosen Shadowhunter name. Simon hadn't picked it, so he was introduced as Simon Shadowhunter. Each student was then marked with the angelic rune. When it was George's turn, he stepped forward, agreed to the oath, and was handed the cup to drink from. After George took a sip, he seemed to be burning. Sometimes, if someone is not blessed by the angel, the cup will deform them. This is what Shadowhunters call the forsaken. They can also be made by a mundane taking a rune. It is a death sentence. George started to mutate, and Professor Scarsbury named his seraph blade and stabbed the creature before it could fully take form. Once a forsaken is made, it continues to get stronger and more volatile as time passes.

The rest of the group came into the room. They gave Simon their condolences. This was supposed to be a great day. He had been training for 2 years all so that he could accend and get his memories back. Now he had all the old memories in addition to this new horrible one.

A few days passed, and Simon was Portaled to George's family home in the Scottish countryside. Both Izzy and Clary had offered to accompany him, but Simon said he needed to handle it alone. Magnus opened the portal and stepped through with Simon. He would wait outside until Simon was finished. Today was the day of George's memorial service. There wasn't a body to bury, but his family still wanted to put up a headstone outside their home.
Simon thought back to all of the late night conversations and the hours of complaining with George about the terrible food, rooms, and training during their 2 years at Shadowhunter Academy. No one deserved to ascend more than George. He excelled at all the physical training and was becoming a good leader on team missions. Simon thought that George would always have his back alongside Clary.
God, Clary, Simon wasn't sure what he would have done the last few days without her. His other friends, especially Izzy, tried their best, but they didn't know George. Clary, on the other hand, was subjected to dozens of letters from Simon about his days, and George was written about in almost all of them. George had once told Simon that he thought of him as a brother. He had said that he would've asked Simon to be his parabati if it wasn't for Clary. Simon got permission from George's parents to take their surname, Lovelace, to honor his friend.
After the memorial and reception, Magnus portaled Simon and himself back to the New York Institute. Clary and Izzy were waiting to hug Simon. Jace was leaning against the Institute wall, and Alec met Magnus just as he closed the portal. Simon vaguely remembered seeing Alec and Magnus take off down the street in the direction of their Brooklyn loft. Simon was pulled into a group hug with Izzy and Clary, his girls, the most important people in the world to him now.

In the days following,
it was clear to Clary that Simon wasn't okay. After the memorial for George, he threw himself into training. Jace encouraged him and was willing to train at all hours of the day or night. Jace had some experience with loss, and he coped with training, too. Jace had even taken Simon on patrol a few times. Jace was happy to have Simon back at the institute.
It was so weird for Clary to see Jace and Simon really being friends. Jace was always so aloof, and he used to just refer to Simon as mundane and then the vampire/daylighter. Clary had asked Jace once, and he told her that he had always liked Simon. Clary was confused by all this, but she wasn't about to start complaining about her boyfriend and best friend getting along. It was also so nice to be able to live semi peacefully at the institute with Simon, Jace, and the Lightwoods.

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