New baby

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Clary and Jace were expecting their first child. Clary was 8 months pregnant. Between helping Jace run the New York Institute and herself being pregnant, she was stressed. So Clary had the great idea of Simon being in the delivery room with her. Simon was shocked when Clary had asked him about a month ago. She had been reading about parabati in the archives at the institute and a lot of pregnancy books. She had been afraid of the pain during labor. The book she was reading about parabati talked about lending their strength to each other and about how close contact can relieve stress and pain. Simon would usually say yes to anything Clary asked of him, but he didn't know if he was ready to see his parabati go through labor and delivery. Also, there's the whole thing about when you take some of your parabati's pain, you feel it. Simon ended up getting away by saying that he would have to think about it.
A week went by, and Simon still didn't really want to say yes. He told Clary that he couldn't be there if Jace or Izzy said no. Clary talked to Jace the next day, and he was surprisingly on board with Clary's plan. He said that it was her body and she was going to be doing all the work. If Simon being there could ease some of that burden, he would be allowed to be in the room while Clary was in labor. Izzy, on the other hand, was shocked that Clary would ever ask such a thing. She was offended that Clary talked with Simon about all this without her. Izzy said that Simon shouldn't see certain parts of Clary's body that were private. Clary came back at Izzy with how it was not a sexual thing whatsoever. She just wanted her best friend to help her not feel so scared. The parabati bond would be helpful as well, since Clary was giving birth at the institute and not a hospital where there was access to heavy medication. It took another week, but Izzy agreed that Simon could be there to help Clary if it became too much. Simon was at a loss now. Any road blocks he had tried to put up had failed. Now everyone just assumed Simon wanted to be with Clary through labor and delivery.
Simon had to come clean before Clary actually went into labor, which would be any day now.
Simon sat down next to Clary on the couch in hers and Jace's bedroom. Jace's old room was converted into a nursery, being that it was right next door.
"Clary, I'm not sure how to say this, but I don't know if I really want to be in the delivery room with you. It would be hard to see you in pain, but also, the process of everything to do with giving birth kinda freaks me out. "
"Simon, why didn't you just say so in the first place. I'm not going to make you be there, though I am hurt that you kept all this from me. We don't lie to each other, Si, ever."
"I'd be willing to pop in and out for you to check in, but as soon as anything starts to get graphic, I'm out."
I'd appreciate that, Simon. I love you, and I want to bring my child into a world of love. If anything gets to be too much, just let me know and leave when you feel like it. The pain relief would be nice, but I won't use you against your will, even to help myself."
"You do realize that this whole thing is going to be chaotic, don't you? It is the first grandchild to be born at the institute. Jace could go either way on the helpful scale, and Izzy and Maryse are going to hover. If you need anyone in or out of the room at any time, I'm willing to be security for you. Let me know if it gets to be too much. Remember that your job is to stay as relaxed as possible and give birth to a tiny baby. You got this girl."

It was not even two days later, and Clary was brought to the infirmary. She had been in labor for around 8 hours, and it was getting closer to time to begin delivery. Simon met Clary and Jace in the infirmary alongside Izzy and Maryse. Magnus, Alec, and their boys were around the institute somewhere, Alec, for moral support. Just as they got Clary laying down a strong contraction hit. It was painful, and Clary was squeezing the life out of Jace. Simon stepped up and took Clary's other hand and concentrated on Clary's distress and sent calming feelings through their parabati bond. Clary was able to open her eyes almost immediately, and she grinned at Simon. She was exhausted, but she felt a hundred times better now. Jace let go of Clary's handanda slipped out of the room while Clary was distracted by Simon. He slid down the wall, holding his now broken hand muttering curses. He called Alec's phone with his good hand and told him to bring a stele to the infirmary. Alec reached the doors to the infirmary in a bit of a panic but calmed down as he saw Jace against the wall a little ways down the hall. Jace explained what was happening and about leaving his stele in his room before coming down to the infirmary with Clary. Jace asked Alec if he would draw an iratze for his hand, considering his dominant left hand was broken. Alec smirked at how his big bad parabati was bested by his pregnant girlfriend when she wasn't even trying. Alec drew the rune and sent Jace back into the room with Clary and Simon. Alec went to go find his husband and kids.

3 hours later

Simon popped his head back into the room to see if Clary and Jace were ready for visitors to meet the new baby. Maryse of course, got to see the baby first since she helped deliver the baby alongside a silent brother. Jace was holding the baby, so Clary beckoned for Simon to come in. He was holding Izzy's hand, and they sat down by the bed. Clary got Jace's attention and they both looked at Simon and Izzy
"We've got something to ask you two. We were wondering if you'd be willing to be her God parents. If anything were to happen to us there is no one I trust more to take care of her than you Simon."
Simon sputtered and his jaw went slack.
"Why us? What about Alec, he is a great dad?."
"We talked about it, but decided that with his two kids, Magnus and being the Consul he has enough on his plate. Also it is just in case of a scenario where me and Clary are no longer able to care for her."
Simon and Izzy looked at each other.
"Of course we will be the godparents. Now what is our new goddaughter's name?"
"Eliza Beth Herondale. We decided that the world could use another Herondale." Said Clary.
Izzy clapped and Jace passes Eliza to his sister. Alec and Magnus join the group next and Magnus goes over to coo and the baby while Alec goes to Jace to congratulate him and Clary on their new addition. Alec could feel Jace's happiness through their parabati bond. He was so happy for his brother, all he ever wanted was a family to love and now he had it.

The new baby was deemed healthy by the Silent Brother and then they set up a date to get the protection charms and enchantments placed on the new baby. Everyone loved little Eliza and Max and Rafe even got pictures of her on their laps. Simon was just happy that everything went smoothly and the family was settling into the new dynamic with the baby around.

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