Simon gets married

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It is his and Izzy's big day. The reception hall at the institute has been transformed into the most beautiful wedding venue. Carved wooden chairs were set up near the front of the room. They were going to have the aisle come from the entrance around to the left side of the stage. A silent brother called Enoch was going to be doing their ceremony.

Izzy's mom Maryse Lightwood had planned all of the typical shadowhunter ceremony. Simon, Izzy, and Clary worked on the reception and decorations. Jace was doing all the heavy lifting for the trio. Clary had taken Simon and Izzy to a lovely mundane bakery for the cake. Simon didn't have a family ring, so he and Jace had found a matching his and hers set 2 weeks ago.

It was time to get ready for the ceremony. Izzy and Clary, along with Maryse and Clary's mom Jocelyn, were getting Izzy ready. Jace and Alec had come in to check on Simon throughout the morning, but Luke was there. Simon was greatly appreciative that Luke had been able to stay with him and help him get ready. After Izzy was in her dress, Clary and Jocelyn came to check in with Simon right before the ceremony was going to begin. Jocelyn took Luke to go find seats so that the parabati could have the room to talk.
"You ready, Si?" Clary said with a big smile.
"I think I'm going to be sick." Was Simon's response. Clary went into damage control mode.
"What do you mean, Si? You're not really sick, are you?" Simon just shook his head.
"I love Izzy, but seeing all the people and the silent brother out there just made it feel really heavy. Izzy was saying how much she wished that we could just be married already without having to go through the whole formal ceremony. I didn't understand exactly at the time, but I sure feel it now."
"It'll all be over soon, Si. You remember Alec's and Magnus's wedding, right? All you need to do is follow the silent brother's directions. Remember before our parabati ceremony, I told you just to focus on me, today all you need to do is look at Izzy. She is so excited, and we will all be there for you during and after the ceremony. Just remember that we all love you. Now take a deep breath, Simon, because it's time.
Clary takes Simon's hand, and they walk to the reception doors. A shadowhunter is standing there waiting to open the doors. Simon repositions his hand on Clary's arm so she is acting as his guide. He nods, and the big oak door is opened for the pair. Simon and Clary walk up towards the crowd and then around the side of the stage. Clary leaves Simon by the Silent Brother, and she steps back to the side behind Simon. Simon looks out to the crowd. His friends and family are all there in the front. Jace is sitting with Eliza on his lap. Maryse and Kadeem are standing  like most of the crowd. Maya and Lily are standing next to Jace. Magnus is standing next to Lily, and Rafe is at his side. Simon also can see all the Blackthorns a little further back in the crowd. Apparently, Maryse was really serious about this being almost like a diplomatic event. There were also about 6 other heads of institutes present that Maryse must have invited. There was a bunch of werewolves and vampires in the crowd as well. Simon recognized a few vampires from when he was in the New York clan. Simon's eyes snapped forward when the oak door opened again. Max came through the doors with a basket of rose petals. This was the truly mundane thing that wasn't usually included in the official nephium ceremony. Izzy wanted as much of her family to be as involved as possible. Max, dropping rose petals, walks down towards the back of the crowd and follows the aisle around the left side of the stage. He walks in front of the stage and sits down next to his dad and brother. Izzy and Alec Lightwood walked in right behind him. At this point, everyone who could stand was facing the back of the room and watching as Isabel made her way up to the stage. Izzy was in a beautiful golden gown with silver runes stitched into the fabric. As she and Alec walked up the steps, Alec shook Simon's hand. Then he took his place back behind his sister.
The wedding was beautiful. Simon and Isabel Lovelace exchanged rings and marked each other with the wedded union rune on the hand. They would draw the other half on their chests in private tonight.

At the reception everyone took their seats and had a very nice dinner and drinks. A few more downworlders had shown up for the party after the ceremony. The members of the class and the silent brother left after drinks but before dinner. Then, the dance floor was cleared. Simon and Izzy had their first dance. Clary looked out at her parabati with more love than she knew what to do with. She leaned into Jace and wrapped her arms around his bicep. Clary's mom was sitting on her other side and passed her a napkin for her tears. Clary could feel the happiness radiating off of Simon through their parabati runes. Luke reached for Jocelyn's hand as the first dance came to an end. Luke pulled Jocelyn to the dance floor. After checking with Magnus that he would watch Eliza, Jace pulled Clary out to the dance floor. Simon switched places with Alec, and he and Izzy danced through the next song. After the dance with her brother, Izzy went with her mom to talk to some of the remaining shadowhunters. After a couple of songs, Jace went back to his table to relieve Magnus of the kids so he and Alec could have a dance. Simon took Clary for a dance around the floor. They laughed nearly the whole time. After Magnus and Alec decided to head home with a sleeping Max and a drowsy Rafael. Jace let Clary know that he was taking Eliza to bed, too. Hugs were exchanged, and the parents left with the small children. Simon and Izzy had a few more dances, and then they positioned themselves at the door to say goodnight to their guests. Jocelyn and Luke both hugged Simon and congratulated the couple. Even Lily and Maya said goodbye as Lily started dragging vampires from her clan out of the institute reception hall. Finally, it was the end of the night.  Clary got up on stage and said a final goodnight to the crowd, cueing them that it was time to leave.
Simon and Izzy snuck out with the rest of the crowd after giving quick check kisses to Clary and Maryse. Simon took Isabel's hand, and they walked through the institute to the residential hall and their bedroom. Simon unlocked the door and picked up his wife, and carried her through the door. They both laughed as Simon set Isabel back down. Simon closed and locked the door and walked back over to his wife.
"I need help taking off my dress," Izzy said, turning around so that he could undo the buttons down Isabel's back. Simon smiled and helped Isabel pull down and step out of her wedding dress. Izzy then sat down on her bed in just her slip. Simon walked over to the closet with Izzy's dress and hung it back up on its hanger. While he was over there he took off his suit jacket, belt, and shoes. He walked back to Izzy, who had rested back on the bed. She sat up when Simon brushed her leg.
"My love, it is time to do the rest of our union." Simon said to Isabel. He unbuttoned his shirt and grabbed his stele from the bedside table. Izzy stood and took the stele from Simon.
"With this rune I pledge to you that I will love you until my last breath. You are my one and only and I want to be at your side as your partner forever." Isabel said as she drew the wedded union rune on Simon's chest over his heart. Simon took the stele then and drew the same rune over Isabel's heart.
"My love. My wife. I can't believe we are standing here married. It feel like this is aways how it should have been. I love you beyond what words can express. I will give my life to you Isabel Lovelace" Simon says using their new last name. The pair would need to go back to work in a week but for now they thought only of eachother.

Izzy pushed Simon's dress shirt off his shoulders and he dropped it to the floor. Izzy then reached for the bottom of her slip and pulled it over her head. Simon took a minute to look at his wife. Izzy was wearing a beautiful white lace lingerie set. Izzy reached for Simon's belt loops and pulled him to her. She kissed her husband. While they were kissing Izzy got to work completing the practiced action of unbuttoning an unzipping Simon's pants. Simon let his pants fall and stepped out of them. He pulled Izzy by her waist to the bed. He pulled down the covers and lifted Izzy onto their bed. They kissed again with more heat and love than ever before.
The rest of their night was beautiful, passionate, pleasurable, and felt completely right.

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