Future Simon

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Simon looked around at his family. Jace was there next to a very pregnant Clary. Alec and his husband Magnus were standing behind their two sons. And his beautiful fiance Isabel to his right. He was where he fit in now. He had a family again.

Shortly after Simon was turned into a vampire, he had a big blowout with his mom. She had called him awful names and broke every promise that her love for him was unconditional. Simon was still in contact with his sister then, but he couldn't bring himself to confess that he had died and come back. After Simon's memories were restored 4 years ago, he became even more distant from his mother. Simon tried to stay in contact with his sister, and it worked for a while, but she graduated from college and is moving out of state for her new job. Through it all, he has had the constant support from his parabati Clary. Looking back, he can't believe that it's been 7 years since him and Clary joined the shadow world. So much has changed in their lives. He and Clary were able to do the parabati ceremony and link their souls via the parabati rune. He and Izzy were going strong. She was still patrolling out of the New York Institute. He has been involved in the downworlder shadowhunter alliance for the last year. He preferred strategy over killing demons, but both were needed. He has a unique perspective considering the fact that he was once a downworlder. Jace, but really Clary, is running the New York Institute. It took Jace 3 years, but he finally convinced Clary that they wanted a baby. She was due in just a few weeks. Simon didn't think that Jace realized yet that he would have to start doing the dreaded paperwork when Clary was busy with the baby. Alec had become Consul last year after his dad died, and Consul Penhallow stepped down. Idris had been locked down by a separatist racist faction of Shadowhunters called the cohort, had forced all shadowhunters against them to leave. Luckily, when this happened, only around a hundred actually stayed in the self-made prison of Idris.
The Shadowhunter government was now run from New York. An old wearhouse was converted into a government building with offices meeting rooms for clave business to take place. Alec had his office there and got to go home to his husband and kids every night. Alec and Magnus got married on the beach in LA last year, surrounded by family and friends. Their kids were growing up fast. Rafael, the oldest, was 7 now and had started his official study in preparation for getting his runes. Max was now 5 years old and as tall as Rafe. (Max was a worlock, so his aging was a bit different, but Magnus says it's normal, so it must be fine).

Overall all Simon thought that the transition from Idris to New York went pretty well. The  werewolves and vampires were really helpful in getting things built and permits pushed through. A few key mundane officials had to be clued into the whole demon hunting and supernatural people existing. The downworlder shadowhunter alliance has a meeting room in the government building now.  There are representatives from all the major groups in New York. Lily, the head of the biggest vampire clan, Maya the head of the New york werewolf pack, a seelie delegate from the queen, as well as a delegate from the unseelie court. There are shadowhunters involved as well, Simon being one of them. Mark Blackthorn and Cristina Rosales from the LA Institute moved back and forth between LA, Mexico City, New York, and the seelie relam. Apparently, they were involved with the unseelie king. Things were busy but good. Downworlders from different cities and countries came to the alliance for help. There were clave members coming to New York from institutes all over the world to learn how to set up alliances in their own cities. The main goal was to promote co-opperation between all shadow world people. Obviously, there were still prejudiced people on both sides, but centuries of struggles and broken trust were starting to mend under new laws passed down by Alec Lightwood. He, of course, always consulted with his Clave advisors as well as the alliance when laws may concern them. Alec had created a sort of democracy with in the clave and a UN of sorts with downworlders.

Magnus was very proud of his husband, who had been truthful when he said the clave had to be torn down and rebuit with service to the world being the guiding principle.

Simon loves and is loved by so many people who chose him and believed in him before he did himself.

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