Confessions 2

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Alec was in shock when his sister told him she was pregnant. It had taken him a while to come around when she and Simon got engaged and even longer before that when they first started dating. He was her big brother, and he had promised himself that he would take care of her. In his head, he logic knew that Simon loved his sister. His heart was telling him that his baby sister was going to get hurt.
Alec found it really hard to trust people. He had never really known unconditional love from his parents. He had found loyalty with Jace and a fierce protectiveness for Izzy. Despite ups and downs, he had fallen in love with Magnus. His kind of love was like fire, all consuming and beautiful. He was stricken by the overwhelming feelings he had for Magnus after their first meeting. He hadn't known that this was love until he was ready to give up everything for him, and he wouldn't even be mad about it. If Alec had Magnus, he would be okay.
Alec truly hoped that this kind of love was what Izzy and Simon had. He wanted his sister to find the intense and all-encompassing love of a true partner. He wanted her to have unconditional love in her life.
Alec realized that his unconditional love was for and from his children. He would do anything for his boys. His son Max had forever changed his life in so many amazing ways. Then he and Magnus had taken in a young boy who had been through so much pain. His son Rafael had completed their family.

After Izzy had told Alec and their Mom about the baby, she was so vulnerable. She was softer than Alec had seen her in a long time. When she said that she and Simon were going to be parents, it all clicked. The baby wasn't even here yet, but his sister was already accepting that she would be a mom soon. That feeling of unconditional love was just below the surface for her.
Alec had smiled then and mentally congratulated her.
Izzy had then spoken up about wanting to check on the baby and to know how far along she was. Alec had felt a need to make up for the doubt he had earlier. He offered up Magnus's services, saying that he could find out about the baby for his sister. He didn't even really know if Magnus would be able to give Izzy the information she was looking for.  Izzy had lit up, and they had tentatively set a plan for her and probably Simon to come over to his and Magnus's apartment the following week.

Alec was texting Magnus during and after lunch. He decided that he should probably go home instead of training that day with Jace. He stopped by the training room quickly to let his parabati know that he wouldn't be joining him today. Jace had waved him off and went back to instructing his class.

Alec arrived home to his kids watching cartoons. He went and gave them each a kiss on the head and then walked down the hall to Magnus's office.
Magnus was standing doing an inventory of his potion ingredients. Alec smiled at his husband and walked over, and put his arms around his love.

Magnus: You're home!
He said with a smile. He put down his notes and turned to hug his husband.
Alec: Yeah, after lunch, Izzy mom and I had a talk, and I decided to skip training today. I missed you.
Magnus: Is everything okay? Did your mom say anything negative?
Magus questioned and then accused. Magnus didn't trust Maryse when it came to Alec. She had hurt him for so long. Alec and his mother had begun to repair their relationship around the time they adopted Max. Magnus had seen Maryse kill innocent downworlders and shadowhunters when she was young and in the circle. He was not going to forgive her for all the lives she took under Valentine's orders. He had accepted that she felt remorse though so they had tried to move past it for the sake of Alec and his kids.
Alec: No, everything went fine. Izzy just wanted to tell us something, and then I was accosted for pictures and stories of the kids.
Magnus: Did Izzy finally tell you she's pregnant?
Alec was shocked.
Alec: How do you know that? Did she tell you?  She only found out last week.
Magnus: So I was right!
Magnus said proudly. "I had assumed when she stopped eating pizza last month."
Alec was dumbfounded again. His husband was constantly surprising him.
Alec: So about that, Izzy was wondering if maybe you knew some spells or something that could tell her how far along she is. I might have also invited her and Simon over for dinner next week.
Magnus rolled his eyes lovingly at his husband.
Magnus: So you told her I could help, right?
Alec gave Magnus a chergrinned look. Of course, he had on again promised Magnus's magic to someone else.
Magnus just smiled back.
Magnus: I know there are ways to tell about pregnancy, but it's not my expertise. I'll call Catarina this week and see if she'll tell me what to do. You might owe her a favor, though.
Alec just smiled with relief that he didn't accidentally lie to his sister or upset Magnus.
Alec: Thanks, love. You know the kids are pretty wrapped up in cartoons right now, I think we have a bit of alone time now.
Alec proposed with a cheeky grin. Magnus just smiled back and pulled his husband close.

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