Back to the Institute

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Magnus had just portaled the group back to the institute in New York. All of the shadowhunters were ready to get back to their own homes. Magnus, Alec, Jace, Clary, Isabel, and Simon had just been in Shanghai, China. Magnus was hurt by someone who was an old friend. His friends Ragnor Fell and a female worlac named Shein Yue were involved in a plot to bring Sammiel to the mortal world. Magnus and the shadowhunters had gone to the demon realm of Sammiel and defeated him and Shein Yue, who was crazy and rescued Ragnor, who was under a spell. After clearing things up at the Shanghai institute, the group headed home. When they got to the New York Institute, Magnus and Alec went straight in to find Alec's mom, Maryse, who had been watching their son Max for the last few days. Magnus and Alec almost dying, again, had put some things into perspective for the couple. If at all possible, they would try to make sure one of them was always available to reach Max in the future. They didn't want to make an orphan of their son. Jace and Izzy followed the couple to give a report to Maryse, the head of the institute, and to give Simon and Clary some time to talk. Clary brought Simon to her room, and they let their walls come down. Simon and Clary hugged like their lives depended on it and shuffled over to Clary's bad to sit. Simon sighed as Clary pulled away to look at him. She knew just how to look at him to get him to spill his guts. It was almost annoying sometimes. "Alright, Si, what has been going on with you? I know your transition to the shadow world hasn't been easy, but you almost got yourself killed." Says Clary. "What if I wasn't meant to be in this world. I wish I could have traded my life for his, " Simon said desperately. Clary gave him a sad look and hugged him again. Simon had ascended to nephium just 3 months ago. He lost his best school friend named George at his ascension ceremony. George was killed after his ascension went wrong. Clary knew Simon missed him, but she didn't know how badly Simon was broken up about it still. Simon was good at fooling people with jokes and a smile to hide what he was feeling inside. "Oh, Simon. I love you so much. Izzy loves you. Jace even cares about you. You are not allowed to leave us yet. We just got you back. I should've realized sooner how you were feeling. You need to talk to us, Si. We can help you through this," Clary tried to put as much of her love into her words as she could. "I'm not ok. I haven't been okay. I don't know how to do this. We all keep almost dying, and it feels like there is always going to be another earth end catastrophe that apparently only we can solve, " Simon told Clary truthfully. "It may feel like that, and I know how crazy it has been since I was thrust into this world. You have always supported me through this since the beginning. It won't always be this chaotic. You can take time away if you need to, and I'll support you. Trouble seems to find us, that's true, but if we all look out for one another, we can make it. I love you so much, Simon. I'm your parabati, and I don't think I could bear it if I lost you." Clary finished her speech and hoped it was enough. She wished Simon could see himself the way she saw him. "Maybe some time would be good. I can still train, but maybe I should take a break from missions until I get my head on straight again. Maybe I can catch up with Eric and Kurt again. Music always helped me work through things." Says Simon. "I think that is a good idea. You should let the others know your plan. I know they have all been worried. If you don't tell anyone else what you told me fine, but you should at least tell Izzy," encouraged Clary. Simon nods and tells her he loves her too. They hug, and then they just sit together. Eventually, they are able to get into the comfortable rhythm of jokes and comic book debate.

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