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Simon was babysitting so his family could go on a mission. He had one job, keep the kids safe at Magnus's loft. The kids were gone!

Magnus had agreed to watch over a young worlock girl named Madzie. Her magic was very powerful, and it had been causing some problems at the children's home where she was living. Magnus had 16 year old Madzie, 14 year old Rafael, and 12 year old Max at his loft in Brooklyn. Alec had been called away on Clave business, and now Magnus had a job that couldn't wait. There was absolutely no way that he was leaving the kids unsupervised. He did the most irresponsible thing and called his husband's parabati, Jace Herondale.

"New York Institute, how can I help you?"
"Hello Jace, it's Magnus. Something very important has come up, and I am in need of a babysitter."
"So, you find one yet?"
"Don't even start Jace. This is an emergency job. Is there anyone else at the institute that could help me out? Do it for your parabati."
"That's low Magnus, even for you. I'll send a fire message, hold on."
"Thank you"
"The only response I got was from Simon. He is available, but he is also babysitting Eliza right now while Izzy and Clary are out on patrol. I could send the 2 of them over to your place. They could be there in 30 minutes."
"What about you? What is keeping you so busy that you can't watch your own daughter?"
"I'll have you know that I have a meeting with your husband and other heads of institutes in an hour. I've been preparing all day. It's my job to help Consul Alec look good, you know."
"Fine. I suppose Simon will have to do. They need to leave the institute now though. This job really can't wait."
"I'll pass it along. Always a joy talking to you Magnus."
*Jace hangs up*

Magnus switches contacts and texts Simon.
Magnus:I'm told that you can help with my current predicament
Simon:Yes I'm getting Eliza ready now. Leaving soon.
10 minutes later
Magnus: Are you almost here? I just got another call from Catarina and I need to leave now
Simon: almost
Magnus:I'm counting on you Simon Lovelace. I am leaving the apartment now. You better be inside my apartment in 10 minutes or you are never welcome in my home again, understand?
Simon:yes, we'll be there

Magnus calls the kids into the living room.
"I need to go, but Simon will be here with Eliza in 10 minutes. Madzie, can you please keep the place standing until then?"
"Yes Magnus I can. See you when you get back."
"Rafe, Blueberry, I need you to be responsible for me. Help watch eachother until I get home. Love you both"
Magnus kisses his sons on their foreheads and rushes out of his apartment and portals away. Simon makes it to the Lightwood-Bane residence in exactly 9 minutes. He knocks and calls out that he's here. Rafael opens the door for him and Eliza and then locks it behind them.
"Hey Rafe, it's good to see you. You too Max. And who might you be?" He poses the question in Madzie's direction.
"I'm Madzie. I've been learning from Magnus for a few days now."
Simon studied the girl. She appeared to be about 16. She had brown skin and curly hair. She also had what looked like gills on her neck. She must be a worlock
"Im Simon. It's good to meet you. I'll be watching you guys for a few hours. This is Eliza. She's my friend from the institute. You guys can go play or whatever, but please follow the rules as if Magnus and Alec were still here."
Rafe grabbed Eliza by the hand and pulled her through the apartment, Max and Madzie followed after them to Rafe's room. Simon sighed as he sat down on the couch. He was just praying that nothing went wrong tonight.

Max's POV

The kids all sat on the floor of Rafe's room on bean bags that Max had summoned from his room.
"Well we could train?" Suggested Rafael. "NO, That's boring. Let's do something fun. Got any ideas Madzie?"
She thought about it and shook her head.
"We could play spies" Suggested Eliza. You'd never guess it by looking at the pint sized shadow hunter, but she was trouble. She was sneaky and always causing accidents in training. Max thought her pranks were awsome of course, Rafe however was not amused when he ended up being on the receiving end. "Spying sounds like fun. Who are we spying on? Max asks his cousin. "Well we can see what uncle Simon is up to." Responded Eliza. Madzie and Rafe shook their heads and watched the 2 younger kids leave the room quietly.
Max put his finger to his lips in a shh-ing motion. They quietly moved down the hall, staying close to the wall. They could see the living room now and looked around until they spotted Simon sprawled out on the couch looking at his phone. Eliza was trying to see what he was doing, but it was too far away. Just then Simon got a call.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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